Chapter Three - Back Through Time

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Enchanted forest. King leopold's reign:

But the moment he starts reading all three people in the room are sucked into the book.


Snow, Emma and Henry all fall to the ground with a big thud. Henry is the first to get up. He stands up and looks around. "Where are we?" He asks in amazement. Emma looks around too. As does Snow. "We're in the Enchanted Forest." Emma says astoundedly. Snow walks to a nearby road and looks forward. Henry and Emma follow behind her. A peasant women and her child walk by. "Oh excuse me!" Snow calls. The women turns around. "Could you tell us who the rulers are at the moment?" The women looks at her weirdly. "King Leopold and his child bride ma'am." The peasant replies. "Child bride?" Henry wonders aloud. "Oh my apologies I suppose she's now the child queen." The women snickers. Emma stares at her with a skeptical look. "I think her name was . . . Oh yes! Regina. That's the girls name. Everyone calls her the child bride since she's only just the young age of 18 and his majesty is about 68." She replies. "Does everyone treat Regina like this?" Emma whispers to Snow. Snow was about to respond but the women did first. "You see people miss Queen Eva. Queen Regina is just a girl. We feel that she has no business being a mother to Princess Snow. And honestly she shouldn't be queen. But she's sealed to the throne now since she had Princess Daniella." The women says sadly. "Oh so the Princess has been born?" Snow asks. "Oh yes. Almost a year ago too her birthday is approaching. There is going to be a presentation first then a ball for the royals!" The women says excitedly. "So you like the Princess?" Henry speaks up. "Yes . . . We like Princess Snow better but Princess Daniella certainly got her mother's beauty." The maid giggles. "I heard they had to have special guards watch the queen for the first year since everyone wanted the king's beautiful girl of a bride!" The women laughs. Emma and Henry's eyes widen while Snow just sighs. "Do you know when the presentation is?" Emma asks. "It's tomorrow at noon." The lady replies. She walks away back to her village. "So how do we get back?" Henry asks. "Well last time we just found Gold or I guess Rumplestiltskin here." Emma replies. "Ok so we just have to find him." Henry says. "Wait! I uh, I want to see my sister." Snow says sadly. "Yeah what's the deal with her? Like where is she?" Emma asks. "Yeah it's not in the book." Henry says. Snow sighs and tears come to her eyes. "When she was two we were going to go riding with Regina but it was raining so Regina said no . . . but I really wanted to so I went anyways and took Dani with me. She wanted Regina but I wouldn't go back. I, I dropped my lucky ring and it went under a rock. My hands were too big but hers . . . hers were so tiny since she was just a toddler so she got it for be but, but then fell into the river." By the time Snow finishes she's crying. Emma and Henry stare at her. "No wonder Regina hates you. You killed her two year old." Emma mutters. Henry just stares down feeling bad for his Mom and guilty for calling her the evil queen and leaving her. 

They've set up camp at a neal by tree. Emma went to go get them some clothes to change into while Snow works on the fire. Henry is sitting by a tree suddenly feeling homesick for his Mom. Before he knows it he's drifting off into slumber.


At 9:00 the trio are on their way to the presentation. After a couple hours of traveling to the village that will be shown the baby princess they finally arrived. Snow is more jumpy than usual but it's just because she's nervous and eager to see her sister. 

At noon royal carriages pull up. A wood stage is already set up for the presentation. First young Snow steps out then King Leopold and then Regina and the newest Princess. Trumpets play as the royal family makes their way up the stage. "May I present Princess Snow, His majesty King Leopold, Queen Regina and Princess Daniella for she is one year old today." The announcer announces. Henry, Emma and Snow's eyes all stare at Regina and the one year old in her arms. The queen is in a royal blue dress. It hugs her figure perfectly. Her makeup is much more natural than usual in StoryBrooke. Her hair is in a fancy bun that no one but Snow knows the name of. While the little girl in the queens arms is in a small yellow dress. Both Emma and Henry stare from the child to Regina in awwe. She is Regina's spitting image. Same dark hair, warm brown eyes they even make similar facial expressions. She's all Regina which Emma would guess by the way the King seemed to hate Regina back at Granny's, he probably didn't like that too much. The king takes the princess out of his wife's arms and holds her up like in the lion king. Emma has to hold in a laugh at the act. "It's exactly like in the lion king!" Henry tells her in a hushed tone. Emma smirks and chuckles. Daniella begins to look around her as if trying find something. Her tiny bottom lip trembles a tears form in her eyes. "What's she looking for?" Emma asks Snow. "Regina." Snow says simply. The king lowers Daniella and she immediately begins repeating "Mama mama mama mama" While looking around. When she spots her mother she reaches out for her. The king lightly puts his one year old daughter in the queens arms. Henry watches as the girl wraps her arms around Regina's neck while laying her head on the womens shoulder. Henry has a twinge of jealousy for a moment. He had always been the only one to do that until Roland came along but even then he was the most important thing in his mother's life. And this baby is her real child. 

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