so here we go again lol

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I'm crying as I'm doing this because I hate myself and the world so fucking much right now and I've had a shit day but honestly who gives a fat fuck :D

I'm crying as I'm doing this because I hate myself and the world so fucking much right now and I've had a shit day but honestly who gives a fat fuck :D

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1. Your nickname

I have like a million nicknames but my most common ones are Nzimz, Znimz or Yaz. Take your pick I guess lmfao

2. Your eye colour

My eyes are green/brown

3. Your hair colour

My hair is light brown

4. Your favourite colour

Rn its purple

5. Your favourite bands

Imagine Dragons, Green Day, Coldplay... that's all I can think of at that moment apart from MCR.

6. Your favourite songs

Yellow (Coldplay), Back in the USSR (The Beatles) or Common People (Pulp)

7. Favourite country

New Zealand
No hate to other countries though we accept all nationalities here

8. One fact about you

I'm a big ass dork who covers up her pain with jokes and fake laughing.

9. Favourite BTS song

I... don't listen to BTS. Sorry...

10. Favourite song artist

Uhm I don't really have any??? Dua Lipa is quite good and like I don't mind some of Billie Eilish's stuff.

I'm not in the mood to tag a lot of people so I'll just yeet some people ik down here.

Please don't feel as if you have to do this if you don't want to I'm just tagging for the sake of tagging.

Whatdya know I've stopped crying and now there's just a huge lump in my throat
Right I'm off to have a breakdown while listening to Wake me Up When September Ends bye lmfao

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