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It was so fast and I found myself alone in a saturday night for the first time, under the dark sky near the lake.

I walked towards my closet where I kept my jar with all the pearls he had given me every Saturday night.

"I want to give you a pearl necklace." he said while he's driving me home. "but I don't want to."

I gave him a weird look and he laughed. "What I mean is, I don't want to give it in necklace form."

"You're still not making any sense." I chuckled.

He glanced at me for a second before parking the car at the side of a busy road. "Here." and he showed me a peice of pearl, I was about to get it when he stopped me. "I'll pick you up later night and I'll give this to you."

"I've never met so cheesy as you." I rolled my eyes but still grinning.

"I know you love it."

Our first Saturday night was so fun, it's straight up from a movie. We went to a local amusement park where he shoot three duckling toys using a pellet toy gun, the prize was a big teddy bear that's been hanging there for months.

"Don't you think it's unfair?" I said as I stare at the big teddy bear, sitting infront of me. Wrapped in a big red ribbon, shouting to everyone that we got him as a prize.


"You just killed three ducklings to save this big teddy bear from a too friendly staff." Yeah, the staff was all smiley and cringey.

"Then I'm a hero." he was trying to sound serious but I caught his grin.

"No." I took a deep breath, "It upsets me knowing someone died just for you." I was talking to the bear when he did 'the' talk.

"I was friends with them too!" replied the bear. "Save them if you're a hero just like the handsome man beside you."

"YES!" I jumped up. "That's what we're gonna do." I pulled him back at the station where we got the big teddy bear - and whare the all too friendly staff too.

"Can we get the duckilings?" I chirped.

The staff was smiling at me but obviously weirded out, I looked at Den and he's surely embarassed of me, but he's smiling too. I suddenly realized how silly my request was when the staff agreed.

"Really?!" I was surprised!

"Really?" Den was confused.

"Really." the staff was assuring. "Tonight's my last shift anyway, I'm going back to my province. Let's just keep it a hush hush." she then winked.

Now, I love this staff!

She picked up the three ducklings that were still laying down.
Looks like a crime scene to me. "Here you go."

"Thank you so much!" I cried.

"So, are you gonna be their adoptive mother duck?" It was already seven in the evening and we're walking back to his car.


I knew he gave me a weird look without looking at him, I was too mesmarized with my heroic act. "I will set them free." I overly acted and sounded like a theater actress, with my hands all fancy.

He burst into laughter, for him, it was just one of our silly moments, but as his smile grew, I know it's more than that. If only I could capture this moment and preserve it for the rest of my life. That few seconds of him laughing rolls in my head until now.

"So, where do you want to set them free madame?" he tried to act as a theatre actor as well, but obviously failed.

He caught me mesmarized by him and I quickly replied "By the lake, mister."

It was the night when he gave me the first pearl. The ducklings were floating away from us when he pulled me closer - close enough to make me feel willingly uncomfortble where our lips almost touched.

"I'm so proud of you." his smile was obviously teasing me but not insulting.

"Thank you." I grinned.

He opened his mouth, trying to say something, but no words were heard. I also tried it, but ended up like that as well.

He then kissed me.

I was taken aback for a few seconds, but I gave in

"I like you, Val. I like how we connect." his eyes were sincere, his warm palms caressed my face.

"I like you too, Den." we smiled and slowly kissed, it was our first Saturday night together, under the dark sky near the lake.

Until then, it became our little routine where we go by the lake every Saturday night. It's beautiful there, the grass is so green that you can see it even under the moonlight; and the lake? the lake is enchanting! it calmly flows which makes such a peaceful sound. The view is amazing! Before the lake is a ravishing city full of lights combined with the sky full of stars.

And ofcourse, him.

The lake wouldn't be as beautiful as it is without him. It completes everything, he completes me.

I let out a big sigh, I have finally calmed myself from crying but it didn't lessen the pain.

I looked at the jar once more, it looks empty, it has only 8 pearls. I smiled bitterly and put it back to the closet.

I closed my eyes and tried to sleep for the nth time.

Maybe the tears helped, I then fell asleep.

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