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The heavy rain started to pour all of a sudden, as if the sky's on my side and empathizing my pain.

"Oh my gosh!" Nicks chirped as she laughs.

"We better get going." he smiled at her and my heart just broke into millions of peices. "I think there's a near gas st..." he froze. "Val! I didn't know you're here." he said casually.

I never liked rain, but today, it saved me. "Ah! I just brought books to my uncle." I tried so hard not to crack my voice as the rain keeps on covering my tears.

"Can we go already, love? I'm freezing." Nicks said, completely disregarding my presence. What a bitch.

"Can you give us a second, love? You can run to my car, I have clean towels at the back seat." his smile is assuring which makes Nicks calm down, he gave her a light kiss on the forehead before smiling.

I tried my very best not to show how hurt I am, for a few a seconds we stood in silence while he look after Nicks running under the rain until she's not in sight.

"So..." he initiated, his eyes are winced due to the rain. "Let's go under that tree!" I didn't expect him to grab me by my hands, it feels majestic as we run under the rain. I feel like everything around me went slow, I want to keep this memory forever.

His muscular body running, reaching my hand. He looked back at me and smiled like the first time we met, I smiled back. This time, he run backwards and reached both of my hands while he laughs, he has no idea how his smile makes me happy - and hurt.

What seems like forever, we finally reached the tree. It has enough shade to keep us from the rain. "Why were you alone?" he brushed his hair up and slightly bit his lips, what a sight for heart ache.

"I.." I can't speak. I know I'll cry if I say one more word. I know my nose is already turning red, so I quickly looked at the lake avoiding his eyes.

After so many courage, I managed to speak. "Look how much the lake have changed because of the rain."

There was a few second of silence before he responded, "I'm not sure what you mean by that."

"It was calm, it was peaceful, it gave us- I mean it gave a relaxing sound as the water flows." I took a deep breath, "but it's mad now, the flowing water turned into harsh rain drops, the peaceful ambiance is no where to be found as it keeps rising and rising, I don't feel calm when I look at it." I embraced myself of the thought, I was not talking about the lake, I am talking about myself.

He then hugged me.

I twitched but remained still. "I'm sorry Val."

I didn't know that this was I needed, a freaking typical movie scene. But it feels good.
"Why did you leave me?" my tears immediately went out my eyes, my shoulders shake uncontrollably.

"I was afraid Val." he hugged me tighter "I started to love you more and more each day. I know it was such a coward thing to do, but I didn't want to fall inlove again."

I am mad at hs answer, I have a lot of questions! But I remained myself calm, it's enough for me to know there will never be us.

As if the weather's my buddy, the rain suddenly stopped, left us silent. He looked at me, his eyes was something made me calm before, but it's full of heavy memories now, I averted my eyes but he held my chin and pulled it closer. He kissed me.

At first I was confused, but I managed to break the kiss and push him away. "What's wrong with you?!" I yelled.

He look clueless. "I..." he sighed "I'm sorry." he picked something in his pocket, he looked at me and walked closer to me, he grabbed my hand without breaking eye contact. I felt a small bead in my hand, and when I look at it. It's a pearl.

I sighed and smiled lightly at it,

I looked at him as I pick a small bag in my pocket. I opened it and it showed all the beads he gave me. Before going here I planned to release my anger by breaking the pearls one by one with a rock. How dramatic, I grin.

"I still want to give you pearls, Val."

I dropped the pearl in the bag and closed it. I walked towards near the lake and picked a rock. "I wanted something else."

Without turning back, I heard him walking towards me. "Are you going to break it?" his voice sounds genuinely sad. "That would hurt me a lot, but I understand."

I never knew this time would happen soon, I dropped the rock and sat down. I touched the water and it feels surprisingly warm. "Thanks for all of these Dennis."

I dropped the bag of pearls in the lake. "but I want to be free from you."

"Love! What's taking you so long!" I looked back and it's Nicks, I looked at Dennis and how he looks at Nicks. To be honest, I don't know how will I feel right now, but I don't care. "Let's go!" she whispered, loud enough for me to hear.

"I... I'll go Val."

"You guys take care." I smiled and this time I know I'm not pretending.

I heard Nicks' voice fade as they walk away, I never looked back. I kept my eyes at the bag flowing away from me. Just like the ducklings, I'm free.

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