Breaking a girls heart

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No ones POV (for now)

"Ava! Y/n! Ava! Y/n!" Leif claps his hands

"It doesn't seem to be working" Pierce says

"What happened to them?" Leif asked

"They both fainted from the ride Y/n was trying to hang on but she also gave into the dizziness" Lorelei says "Don't worry their not the only ones scared of roller coasters as much as Steve talks he's a total wuss when it comes to roller coasters"

The Daemos watch as Lorelei and her friend talk and they both wonder what they are supposed to do without Ava or Y/n guiding them.

The boys talk to Lorelei not knowing a single thing she means then she suddenly leaves

"How do you think the other are doing" Leif asked Pierce

"Hm? I don't know"

Leif then continued to clap in Ava and Y/n's faces to try and wake them up

"Maybe their dead?" Leif says

"No they still draw breath so I doubt it" Pierce says

"Yeah but we don't know the anatomy of humans" Leif told him

"A n a t o m y ?"

"A word I learnt on my show- Ah wait that's it!" Leif suddenly remembered something

"What's it?" Pierce asked

"I know what to do" Leif picked Ava up and laid her down on the ground "I saw this on tv and Ava did it to Asch once and it worked it's called CCR"

"C...C... what?" Pierce asked

"Where I basically caress her but breath life into her here watch" Leif said and did his best attempt at CPR but didn't know how to open her mouth to breath into her

"LEIF WAIT" but Leif didn't listen

Suddenly Lorelei appears

"It's not what it looks like!" Pierce said as the two watch Leif lick/breath on Avas lips

"What are you doing?!" Pierce asked

(Omg this part had my DYING when I watched in Pierces voice is so funny in it)

Readers POV

What happened to me..? Oh crap I must've passed out

I sorta get up and see Leif on the ground licking Ava..?


"Boys what's going on here?" I asked

"I'm trying to breath CCR into Ava" after Leif said that Ava woke up

"Huh..?" She said groggy

"It worked!" Leif said all happy

"Awe the kiss of life" Lorelei said then splashed water on Steve to get him up

"Uh what?" He says

"Good morning" Lorelei said

What the heck happened while I was passed out..?

Steve and Lorelei talk a little about their relationship and how Steve should be more like the Daemos while Ava covers her ears and says "Ignorance is bliss" over and over again

Lorelei makes a sad face but seems to have gotten over it quite quickly

My head still hurts a little so I don't comprehend everything that just happened but all I know is that we're going to the haunted house next
(Another fun fact I'm also terrified of those, and almost always close my eyes but working in one is really fun I'd recommend it! I'll stop with the fun facts lmao)

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