Chapter Four

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You woke up to blinding lights in your eyes, sitting up. The curtain on the window was slightly moved, revealing the bright sun. You hadn't seen the outside world for quite some time, having been kept inside by him. Your grievances of your ex-boyfriend annoyed Charlie, causing him to add onto the issues you had to deal with.

You were a mess, unable to deal with what was going on. Charlie seemed to have brought you to a cabin in the woods, yet you were unsure of where exactly you were. You hadn't seen outside until just now, and the world looked unrecognizable.

"Y/n? Are you awake?" You heard Charlie's voice from the other room, sending chills throughout your body. You still feared him, though now you felt a bit stronger than before. You quickly shut the curtain, unsure of how he would react if he saw it was open.

Charlie entered the room, smiling slightly. He walked over to the windowsill where you were standing, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind. Charlie rested his head against your shoulder, placing his face in the crook of your neck. He kissed you sweetly, hoping to get a reaction out of you. You sighed, out of annoyance, yet he seemed to take it as a sigh of pleasure.

"You like that," he asked surprisingly, lifting his head. Whenever Charlie touched you like that in the past, you would tense up or shut down completely, but he understood this reaction as the opposite of negative. You nodded, putting on a fake smile. "How'd you sleep? You see, I thought I left the curtains open so you could look outside, but I must've forgotten."

"You left them open? I thought that happened on its own so I just closed it," you explained. Charlie removed his arms from around you, slightly scoffing. You were slightly taken aback, unsure of what you said that could have offended him. You thought everything was going so well this morning, especially because you reacted so "positively" to his touch.

"You know how much I do for you, right? I try so fucking hard to keep you safe from everyone else, and you think I can't even let you look outside? You don't appreciate the shit I do for you, y/n." He looked pained, broken even. This weakened state was foreign to you, and you were quite nervous as to what he was going to do.

"I-I'm sorry Ch-Charlie I didn't know, honestly."

"Exactly. You don't know. You never fucking know. It's so infuriating, you know that? You're constantly so sheltered and scared and this whole time I've been trying to keep you healthy and happy and you can't even start to understand how much I'm doing. I can't fucking deal with you anymore, y/n." You stood there shocked. Charlie had never said anything to you like this before, always making sure you were his.

"W-What?" Your voice held a surprised, yet broken tone.

"I'm done with this shit, y/n, okay? I can't keep doing all these things for you that you can't accept or appreciate and I'm so fucking tired. I need a break." A break??? Does this mean I can leave? "Just give me some time to sort things out, alright? Just stay in here today and come out if you need anything from the kitchen. Leave me alone today. Please." Charlie searched your eyes for some kind of answer, looking hurt.

He left the room, closing the door behind him. You stood in silence, looking at the door. You couldn't wrap your head around what had just happened. Charlie seemed so fragile, and you didn't know how to feel about it.

You couldn't help but feel happy that he was starting to break down, hoping his bad past was beginning to catch up with him. After everything he had done to those around him, you knew he deserved to suffer.

Fuck this and fuck Charlie.


hi!!! holy shit it's been a while. i'm so fucking sorry for the lack of updates my guys. i've got the whole book planned out, and i'm trying to write as many chapters as i can so i can start a consistent posting schedule. also! sorry for how short this was i tried lmAo

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