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AN/ Again, i'm a new writer sorry if this is bad. And sorry for any mistakes! Enjoy babes!

(The picture above is what they are wearing)



"How do I look Haz?"

I turn around and take a look at him. He looked absolutely jaw dropping. Stunning.

"Lou..." I started, but I was speechless

"What do I have something on my face?" He said dumbly.

I cracked a laugh, way too loud. I quickly slapped a hand over my mouth.

"Haha no Lou you look amazing"

Louis blushes, "Thanks Haz. You look even better"

I blushed as I looked away. We were both blushing messes.

"What time are we supposed to be there?"

Tonight was a lads night with the boys. We were supposed to be heading to Zayn and Liam's flat soon to watch some football and drink some beers.

"I think around 7" Louis answered

It was 6:10 and Liam and Zayn's flat was about a 10 minute drive.

"We should leave soon then" Harry said.

Louis nodded his head from where he was stood at Harry's door.

"I'm just gonna get my shoes then i'll be downstairs in a minute" Harry states while walking to his large closet looking for his chelsea boots.

"Ok. I'll be downstairs" Louis says back.

Harry found his boots and quickly slid them on. He checked himself in the mirror and made sure his sleeves were long enough. He plastered a fake smile on his face and walked out of the room.

He walked down the stairs and saw Louis seated on the couch with his phone in his hands, texting someone.

"Who ya texting?" Harry asks while sitting down next to Louis on the couch.

"El. She wants me to come stay with her at her flat for a few days. You okay with that?" Louis asks while turning his head towards Harry.

Harry mentally rolled his eyes. God he hated Eleanor. Why does she want to be with him every second of every day. It gets annoying. He just wants to spend time with Louis before they go off on tour again soon.

Harry tries to keep his smile on his face but quickly fails. "Yeah that's fine whatever"

"You okay Haz?" Louis asks getting worried with Harry's annoyed tone

"Yes Louis. I'm fine. God stop asking me that. IM FINE!" Harry says and then quickly storms off to his room.

Harry slams his door and goes over to the corner of his room. He slides down the wall with his head in his arms.

"God why does no one like me!" Harry whispers to himself in between sobs.

Soon there is a knock on the door. Harry gets up and is about to open the door when there is a soft voice that can barley be heard.

"I'm sorry Haz for whatever I did. I was just worried about you because you got all sad as soon as I mentioned Eleanor and me leaving. I wont leave if you don't want me to"

I open the door and Louis' face falls. He hated seeing Harry like this. Harry deserved the world.

"Angel what happened?" Louis asks while quickly engulfing Harry in his arms.

Harry started sobbing then even more.

"I'm so sorry Louis I didn't mean to lash out at you"

"Hazza it's okay. Don't apologize"

They stood there at the doorway hugging each other until Harry calmed down.

"Do you want me to cancel the plans with the boys and we can stay here and cuddle?" Louis asks.

Even as tempting as that sounds, he know he can't just cancel on the boys.

"No it's okay, i'm okay now" Harry says with a reassuring smile.

Louis gives him a look as in saying 'are you sure' Harry quickly nodes his head with a smile. Louis smiles back with that beautiful smile Harry has learned to love.


AN/ This was a bit longer than the first chapter but yeah! I hope you enjoyed and again sorry for any mistakes! love you all <3

- avery

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