Chapter 39

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I'm stopped by a traffic jam where police cars have blocked the road who leads to The Pearl.

I get off the motorcycle and I take out my phone from my pocket.

I call Nicolas and he answers immediately.

"Hello Mrs Langford, are you alright ?" he asks.

"No, I'm injured. Are you alright because there is a fire in the building" I say.

"I'm fine, I know that there is a fire on the 96th floor." Nicolas says and I'm relieved.

"I can't get to you because the police have the entire building locked down but I'm going to find a way in" I say.

"Okay, try to find a way in" he says.

"I need you to get out of there right now, there should be a logistic panel and show it to me, so I can tell you where it's safe to go" I say.

"I don't need to leave the building right now, I'm 20 stories above the fire. So I'm safe in The Penthouse" Nicolas says.

"Keep me informed if the fire continues to climb" I say.

Nicolas shows me his logistic panel and I see that all the floors above the 96th floor are yellow. This means that the anti-fire measures are offline.

"The anti-fire measure are offline, the fire is not going to stop." I say.

"Try to find a way in, so you can put the anti-fire measures online. The security system are compromised and I can't access them. Call me back when you are in the building" Nicolas says.

"Okay, I will find a way in" I say and I hung up the phone.

A few seconds later, there is an explosion and the fire climbs up 3 floors so fast.

"No ! No !" I shout.

I see on the big TV screen that I'm wanted by the police.

A police officer shouts at me "Put you hands up !" as he points his gun at me.

"Whoa,whoa,whoa. Please, you don't understand. My friend is inside, listen" I say.

"I have to get him" I say and the officer lowers his gun.

"Turn around now !" he shouts and I turn around to see the burning building. I notice a crane next to The Pearl and it gives me and idea.

The officers try to handcuff me but I push them and I run towards the crane.

To be continued

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