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A week went by and well. Since the night we had the party and Sarah showing up and ruining the whole thing, Alex and Lindsay hasn't really been talking to each other. They had a talk about it but Lindsay said she needs some time, and well Alex hasn't really made any sort of efforts to call her or basically anything. So I get the feeling they have been sort of avoiding the whole situation. I can understand that Lindsay needs time to process things. But Alex not even trying to make things right with her is kinda weird though. So I decided to hold a dinner so that they have to talk. 

I was at work busy with my first class to teach. I must say this is exactly the kind of thing I love doing and I'm really learning a lot. And working together with Martin is great. We have become really good friends and well he is gay so Alex is totally fine with it. 

"Right. We are going to take a 10 minute break then we will work a bit more on that one move you have been struggling with." I say. 

My class all walks to the chairs in the back and I get my phone and walk outside. I call Lindsay.

"Hi Jordan." she answers.

"Hey Lindsay. How's it going?"

"Well... Weird for one. How is things there?"

"Actually it's why I called. Are you and Taylor busy tonight?"

"No. Why?"

"I was hoping you would like to have dinner with me and Alex tonight."

"Jordan I get what you are trying to do here. But I don't know if it's going to work."

"Please Lindsay."

"Okay. We'll be there."

"Great. Be at our house around 8."

"Okay. See you then." I hang up and a text comes through from Amy.

"I need you." the text says. And I called her.

"What is going on?"

"Well. Things happened."

"Things? Like what? What are you talking about?"

"Me and Logan. We well. After your party... We sort off... Had a moment."

"Oh my... And?"

"Well... I don't know... We have been avoiding each other since it happened."

"You guys need to talk about this. Do you like him?"

"Yeah... I mean I do like him."

"Then talk to him."

"I guess." she sighs.

"It's the only way you guys are going to know where this is heading with you two."

"Okay. I'll talk to him tonight. Thanks Jordan."

"No problem." she hangs up. I quickly text Alex about dinner and then head back inside. 

After a whole day of working. I get my things. Alex wasn't very happy about tonight either but they have to talk about this. 

I text Alex that I'm just going to stop at the store and then head home when I'm done. As I was texting I get this strange feeling while I was walking to my car. Almost like someone is watching me or following me. But before I could look, I feel a hand over my mouth and someone grabbing me from behind. And I drop my phone on the ground when the person grabs me.


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