twenty-seven | ❝storm the maze❞

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y/n changed the groupchat name to 'storm the maze😻'

y/n: ok so are we gonna try &
sneak into this motherfucker
or what?

y/n: my boyfriends are in
danger 💔

dean: the yule ball chat
has come so far 😌

mione: i'm in

draco: sis said boyfriends

dean added seamus finnagin

seamus: so are we sneaking
into the maze or what?

dean: we're like a little army😻

parvati: we need a name !

y/n: lmao yess,,, imagine if
it was something stupid like
dumbledore's army 👁👄👁

weasel: i actually kinda...
kinda... like that...

padma: dumbledore's army!

y/n: i never should of
opened my mouth ffs

mione: how are we going
to sneak in then? all of the
professors are watching rn

draco: i could bribe them

dean: lmao funny, try
again mate 💔

parvati: set the maze on fire 🤚🏽

padma: let's set it on fire 🤚🏽

seamus: let's fucking set
it on fire 🏃🏻‍♂️💨

weasel: I KNOW WHO

ron added fred w

ron added george w

barb1: my time has come 😜

barb2: fred literally cried
when he found out you lot
wanted to do this

y/n: bad bitches cry too❤️

barb1: this is why i love
y/n more than my own

dean: i love this group
so much 😭

draco: okay there's now 10
of us,,, three of us will distract
the heads,, two will distract
the crowd and five will us go
inside 🤓

barb1: me & george can handle
the crowd ;)

barb2: plan megan? ;)

barb1: plan megan ;)

fred w is offline

george w is offline

padma: seamus, parvati
and i can handle keeping
the head teachers occupied!

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