the day after

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Austin rolled out of her bed, the knock on her door waking her up. She walked over, opening it. Her roommate hadn't come home last night, but she didn't care. She was surprised she'd made it home last night.

"I need you to go to the gym." The Eagle told her.

"Is something wrong?" Austin asked.

"Something terrible has happened. I need you to go now." He replied.


Austin began to hyperventilate. She slid out of her room, not bothering to put a robe on. Her gaze met Takumi's, but she didn't wait for him. In her green velvet shorts and black crop top, she ran barefoot to the gym. A podium was set up in the middle of the basketball court, close to the bleachers. When Austin got there, it had been empty. Only minutes later, people began to file in.

"Is everyone here?" The Eagle asked.

"No." Miles said. "Alaska isn't here."

Austin's heart sank. Her classmates had sat, each taking a seat on the bleachers as she stood there, only feet away from the podium.

"Is everyone else here?" The Eagle asked.

"Alaska isn't here!" Miles yelled.

"Okay, Miles. Thank you."

"We can't start without Alaska."

The Eagle looked up at Miles. He was crying. Austin was done for. She knew where this was going. She'd forgotten how to breathe.

"Please, sir. Can we please wait for Alaska?" Miles asked. Austin's heart broke at the words.

We can't, Pudgie. She isn't coming.

"Last night, Alaska Young was in a terrible accident." The Eagle said. "And she was killed. Alaska has passed away."

Austin couldn't breathe. She didn't cry, she didn't even blink. It was like her mouth was glued shut and her eyes were the desert. She felt the world crash around her, but felt nothing at the same time.

Pudge ran outside as Takumi grabbed Austin. He held around her waist, holding her close to him. She didn't move. She didn't utter a word.

Chip was screaming. Inhale, scream. The chanting of words. "I'm so sorry." He screamed.

Pudge talked to the Eagle. Takumi held onto Austin, petting her hair.

Weren't twins supposed to feel it? Where was that feeling? Austin felt nothing. She felt empty, sure, but she always felt empty. She was hallowed inside already. Her sister was dead. Her twin was dead. She didn't feel anything.

"Breathe, baby." Takumi told her. Hadn't she been? What was going on?

Austin turned to see Miles and Chip.

"They killed my sister." She whispered, inaudibly. Takumi didn't hear her, telling her to relax and they can to back to his room.

Takumi led her out of the gym through the double doors. Austin looked back at Miles, catching his eye.

He will never know her last words. The boy who loves them so will never know the last words of whom he loved dearest. This sparked the slightest bit of satisfaction in her.

Holding his gaze, Austin threw her head back and laughed.

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