four - the sorting

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We had all walked of the train and to the carriages for the students. We where in our robes, obviously mine was plain.

The carriages where being pulled by these horse like creatures, with large wings and a skeleton figure. They where creepy, but at the same time beautiful.

I hopped into a carriage with George, Fred, Ron, Hermoine and Harry.

They where talking about something to do with Gryffindor, but I was just staring at the castle against the dark night sky. The way the castle glowed and the stars shining bright. Mate, that is fucking beautiful.

This place seemed much better then my old school.

We arrived in-front of the castle with stairs leading up to the main doors.

"Miss Smith?" a tall lady asked.

"Yes that's me" I said with a smile.

"I'm Professor McGonagall. Come with me" she said and turned to leave

"See you at the ceremony" the twins shouted, with the others smiling and waving at me

I gave them a smile and a wave back. The courtyard was nearly empty and I was about to follow the professor.


Fuck me, not again. Like I'm clumsy usually, so I wouldn't expect anything else.

"Watch where your going Smith" Malfoy sneered

"I would say sorry, it's in my nature, but I don't say it to fucktards like you" I said with a smile on my face

He took a step towards me, literally grabbing my robe and fucking yeeting me to him, colliding with his fucking hard chest.

He leant down to my ear, since he was fucking taller than me by a head and whispered in my ear

"Smith, I might need to punish you if you speak to me like that, you should learn to watch that mouth of yours" he whispered into my ear, causing chills to form down my spine.

FUCK ME SIDE WAYS. Like the words that came out of Malfoys mouth where hot, don't get me wrong, but in no fucking way was I gonna let him know that.

"Fucking make me" I paused while whispering into his ear, "ferret boy", I don't know why he gets so pissed at 'ferret boy', ferrets are cute. He just reminds me of it, I don't know why.

That fucking left him speechless.

I lightly shoved him of and walked away.

I opened the door that I saw Professor McGonagall walked through and saw her standing with a bunch of first years, who where all looking nervous. I fucking feel your pain their young ones.

"Miss Smith, nice for you to join us" she said, with everyone turning to look at me.

"Since your the oldest, you will be going first in the sorting hat"

Fucking spectacular.

"Cant wait" I said with a nod

A first year girl with blond hair and blues eyes in-front of me looked up at me with curiosity "your accents funny"

Nah shit Sherlock.

"Um yeh, it's Australian" I said with a small smile

"Wow that's so cool, do you guys really ride kangaroos, that's what my grandad said to me once" she asked

Hahaha Oh my fucking lord.

"Haha no that's completely false" I said with a smile, I always found it funny what people expected Australia to be like.

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