six - breakfast

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My eyes fluttered open to be welcomed by Tysons ass in my face.

"Mate can you fucking move your smelly ass out of my face" I muttered to Tyson while shoving him lightly away. He was still fast asleep, snoring as usual.

He's such a cutie.

I looked at the time to see that it was 6.30am. Fuck it's to early for me to be awake. I looked around to see my roommates, I looked to see Gemma in the bed besides me, thank fuck, with Parkinson across from me, fuck no.

I got up and went to the bathroom to get ready, starting with brushing my teeth. I left my wavy dark brown hair down, which flowed past my shoulders. I dyed the tips a lighter brown last year which I absolutely loved.

I put some mascara on and lip gloss, I never really did the whole face makeup thing, fuck that. The simple makeup suited my tanned brown skin, with the mascara powering my hazelnut eyes.

I went to my wardrobe and grabbed my uniform. The skirt slid past my thighs, with my shirt being tucked into it. I didn't put tights, because that shits just irritating. I attempted to do my tie, which I managed to look presentable and tossed on my Slytherin robe. I always liked the colour green.

Fuck I realised it was only 6.50am and none of my roommates where up.

I woke up Tyson to take him outside to get some fresh air. He followed me through the common room while wagging his tale.

We walked in the courtyard with no student in sight, it was just starting to get light. I grabbed a stick I found and threw it so Tyson ran after it. I giggled when he tripped over his own feet and face planted. Why is that fucking me.

I made my way back to my room, to find my roommates still sleeping. I fucking wish. I put Tyson back into his cage and made sure he had food and water. I also made sure to lock it because I don't trust a certain pug face.

I grabbed by bag and put all my books for my subjects since I didn't know which ones I had today. It wasn't heavy since I had charmed it to extend.

I make my way to the Great Hall for breakfast. Fuck I was starving.

I scanned the Slytherin table to see a few students, but I looked over to the Gryffindor table to see Hermoine, Ron and Harry. I made my way over to them giving them a smile.

"Hey guys, mind if I sit?" nodding to the spare spot next to Hermoine

They all gave me a warm smile

"Hey Ambs, sure thing" replied Ron, who was shoving bacon into his mouth

I sat next to Hermoine and started loading my plate with eggs and bacon. Fucking delicious.

"So how's Slytherin treating you?" asked Hermoine who was taking a sip of her pumpkin juice

"Well it's been alright, been called 'mudblood' a couple of times, but I've told them to fuck off as usual" I gave a smile

"That's good, just be careful Ambs" she said with a smile

"That's good you stick up for yourself Ambs" Harry said with a small smile

I gave him a smile and a nod

We spent the rest of the time talking about classes, my old school and just random things while eating our breakfast, while also giving Ron shit. I liked the trio, it was good to make some friends here - they where much nicer than people at my old school. Fucking assholes.

The great hall was filling up with students and I received some stares from Slytherins for sitting with Gryffindors. They can fuck off. I just flipped them of with a smile.

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