The World Ending: 13%

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Heads up, I've uploaded a couple Chapters before this one..



Lance soon grabbed his bag, noticing a note tucked in the front pocket, he always zipped his pockets up knowing that the camp used unzipping a bag as a clue that a note was left. He soon read the messy bit of handwriting he knew belong to Pidge before rubbing the back of his neck.

A small group showed up, they lead them away from the mall and well it seems it was the same group with guns they head last night. A new meeting spot picked for tomorrow, If Lance didn't show up by midday then they'll carry on to camp without him and hope he'll return as well.

Matt gave a slight nod as Lance passed on the news before they started walking to the chosen location. It didn't really have a name or anything apart for the car-park on the edge of the area that you could see from the mall roof. Of course it seems Pidge and Shiro argued over a car colour since four different colours were scribbled out when she tried saying the car part wit the *** car parked inside.

"Should we camp out in a shop or go to the carpark but we might be spotted if the Jerry guys come looking" Lance asked as he placed his bag on, turning to Matt who ran a hand threw his messy hair.

"We'll camp within a car, they won't see us from a distance and then we still at the meeting point for your friends .. or friend with a child" Matt replied as he glanced to the messy note.

"She has childish writing, Shiro has the handwriting skills between them. But trust me, they both adults .. I'm sure of it" Lance answered with a small smile and started walking down the slope with Matt beside him.

"You seem certain that your friends will show up. Why not just walk towards your base on your own instead of wasting a day and wait for them when there a high chance they already dead" Matt asked with a curious look.

"You remind me of Pidge a little when she first came to camp. Shiro picked her up from god knows where but she had no hope held in humans bonds and faith in one and another. She seemed unhuman to most but to me, she seemed broken. Your the same, your not unhuman but lost and broken. You had hope and someone took it away from you, I'm going to try my best to give it back to you. You'll see how great a true and strong bond can be" Lance smiled brightly, swinging his arms as he looked to the clear sky.

"You truly are a strange lad" Matt mumbled under his breath as he glanced around.  

"Didn't you ever have someone you loved, someone you cared for or trusted with your life" Lance asked with a small smile, trying to make chit chat and try to understand Matt grumpy side a little.

"I loved and cared for my family like almost everyone else. I trusted them, even when the world fell and they repaid me by betraying me. I've seen just friends steal from each other and I've seen so called lovers leave the other to die. This world is rather cruel but the human race is even crueller" Matt answered with a sadden and pained look in his eyes as he lowered his head making Lance frown.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring up a dark past or anything. But not everyone as evil as the rest. You just have to wait, someone will step into your life and it be worth all the waiting you done for them. I'm sure that someone will be able to hold their hand out to you and you'll take it without a second thought" Lance smiled warmly, spinning around and walking backwards as he opened his arms while looking to a surprised matt.

Her Zombie (Shidge) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now