Episode 1

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Today is Clary Fairchild's 18th birthday. I can tell that the protections are wearing off, but I have agreed with her mother, Jocelyn Fairchild, to let her explain the shadow world when she turns 18. This is why my protections are slowly wearing off, we have reached the end of the deal.

Let me introduce myself, my name is Pollux Damaris. I am one of the most powerful, and oldest, warlocks of all time. This comes partly because I am also a shadow hunter. Yes, you heard me right, a shadow hunter. I am the only warlock shadow hunter that has ever existed- well, at least that has lived this long, all the others were found and killed as babies by the clave. Apparently, we're too powerful to contain and control so we must be destroyed. I, however, have made a deal with the first rulers of the clave. I alone am able to live because I helped them learn to write runes. This deal ends if they attack me, and if they do I'm allowed to kill whoever ordered the attack and whoever actually attacked me without punishment. So, if the clave ordered me to be killed, I could kill the clave for free. This is the reason not many shadow hunters come near me.

Let's get back to Clary. Jocelyn made a deal with me after Clary kept finding out about the shadow world. I protect her until she's 18 and learns about the shadow world, and Jocelyn allows me to protect the mortal cup. See, she stole the cup from valentine when she left, but we have agreed that I am the safest place for the cup. So this is why today I will be given the cup in it's secured form, a tarot card.

"Mom!" And that's Clary now.

"You did it! Yay!"

"You also follow Simon?"

"He only has 92 followers. He needs the retweets."

"Congrats Clary!" I speak from the side of the room where I am leaning against the wall.

"Thank you!" She then looks at Jocelyn again, "hashtag stalker mom."

I walk out of the room so I can go grab my gift for her. I also know that this is the time Jocelyn is going to talk to Clary about the shadow world.

I walk back in the room as Clary leaves and I stop her, "Happy birthday Clary!" And I hand her the small black box.

She opens the box and stares of the bracelet in awe.
"It's gorgeous! Thank you!"

"Your welcome. Where it and it will keep you safe."

She laughs and puts it on thinking I was joking, little does she know I cast a protection charm on it that keeps the wearer safe from harm, or if they are in pain it just makes the pain more bearable.

"Bye Jocelyn I'm going to the cafe! I'll grab the thing from Dot on my way out!" I yell already walking towards the stairs.

Once I get downstairs I see Dot using her tarot cards, just the thing I needed.
"Dot, it's time."

She hands me the deck of cards. I quickly make a copy of the deck and hand the copy to her. This way it doesn't look like something is missing, or if someone else grabs it they will think they have the cards when they really don't. I thank Dot and put the real cards in my special safe that only I can open because of my protective charms and runes.

Now I can go have fun.

It's been a couple hours and now I'm headed to the downworlder club, Pandemonium.

3rd POV

It was loud with the music blaring and the joyful screams of those around him. Pollux had just arrived at the Pandemonium and was headed to the bar. On his way he saw a stunning guy walking past as he had flashed his cat eyes at him. Pollux immediately changes course and decides to follow the handsome male to the corner of the club.

In the Shadow of Magic {Magnus Bane x male oc}Where stories live. Discover now