Jealous pt 2

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A/n SORRY i haven't been posting in awhile I've been busy with school

Luke's POV
I sit next to Reggie putting my hand on his shoulder "tell us what wrong" I say calmly "no" he says "why" Alex ask "bc it's stupid" he says "YOUR FEELINGS ARE NOT STUPID" Alex shouts "aggressive much" I say "sorry" Alex says "I just don't like that your saying ur feelings are stupid" Alex says hugging Reggie "I know" Reggie replies "so what's wrong" I ask
     "Im just ....... I think I'm jealous" Reggies says mumbling the last part so no one can hear "your just what?" Alex ask "jealous" Reggie says still quiet but not quiet enough "oh" Alex says hugging Reggie again and kissing him "it's ok" Alex says "what are you jealous abt" I ask

Reggies POV
"Willie" I say getting mad at the thought of him "EWWW" Alex screams

Alex POV
"EWWW" I scream hearing my ex name ok so I'm being dramatic but like so what "dramatic much" Luke says Reggie laughs "I know it's dumb" he says "NO ITS NOT SHUT UP" I scream "sorry" I say quiet "Alex Luke I love you guys" Reggie says hugging us

A/n THE END bahaha

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