Panic breakup pt 2

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Ship: Alex x Luke x Reggie poly
Warnings: panic attacks
(edited to fix mistakes)
A/n I forget to say in the first part of this and second part was suggested @LynMiller0 sorry I didnt give credit in the first part I forgot

Julies POV
   It's been about 2 days since Luke and Reggie broke up with Alex. And let's just say Alex haven't been doing to well
   Ever since the breakup he's been having more panic attacks we went to the doctors since they have been getting bad but they couldn't really do anything Besides give us medicine.
    Right now Alex is having another breakdown luckily it's not a panic attack yet
      "Julie" Alex says thru sobs "yes Alex" I say calmly "I don't feel good" Alex said quietly "what do you mean" I say "I think I might..." Alex was cut off by heavy breathing and more tears he started to have a really bad panic attack "Alex it's ok just breath copy my breathing" I say as I put his hand on my chest as I always do "shhh it's okay" I say to calm him down but he just won't calm down

Alex POV
   Yes I was being over dramatic but it wasn't my fault the 2 people who make me happy left me, the 2 people who loved me left me, Luke and Reggie were the only people I had left beside for Julie, flynn and ig Carlos, and ray but Luke and Reggie were different.
     I couldn't breath at all or even stop shaking more tears ran down my face and I couldn't even seem to say anything
    "Alex your ok" Julie says again while rubbing my back to calm me down but it just wasn't working
     About 15 minutes later the panic attack had ended my throat was dry, my face was stained with tears, my eyes were puffy and red, and I just looked really bad.
     "Ok that's it" Julie said "what" I question "we're going to talk to Reggie and Luke" Julie says "n-no" I stuttered out i know I'm still friends with Luke and reggie well kinda but I just couldn't bring myself to see them anytime I thought of them I'd cry bc all that I can think about is that they hate me
        Eventually Julie was dragging me out to the garage by my hand once we got there I started to get anxious

Luke's POV
    "Reggie" I say as I look at a crying Reggie it's been 2 days and Reggie keeps having thoughts like 'what if he didn't cheat' or something like that I mean I can't blame him I haven't been doing well either I can't think of lyrics for songs bc all I have on my mind is Alex and to see Reggie like this hurts me
       Speaking of Alex I turn around to see Julie and Alex who just walked Julie was holding Alex hand tightly and Alex looked terrible he looked as if he just survived some kind of end of the world crisis ok maybe that was over dramatic but he didn't look well and it seemed to hurt me
     "Julie Alex" I say as I wave Reggie got up from the couch seeing Alex and Julie he quickly wiped his tears

Julies POV
    If you kinda think about it I'm like a spy I knew that it wasn't just Alex who was heartbroken Reggie and Luke were to it's obvious well mostly bc I saw Reggie crying yesterday but that's beside the point I need to get them back together
    "Ok this needs to stop" I say "nothing needs to stop" Luke says Tho i can tell he wants it to stop "to bad" I say "everyone sit down on the couch now" I say point to the couch everyone but Alex does that
    I turn around to look at Alex but he wasn't there "oh my god" I say as I go to look for Alex "stay here" I tell Reggie and Luke before I leave it didn't take me long to find him bc he was sitting right outside the garage  
    "Alex what's wrong" I say as I hug him sitting down next to him "I-I just.... w-what I-if they hate m-me" Alex stutter out with tears "they don't Alex I promise" I tell him "but what if they do" he says "well they won't bc we're gonna figure this out"
     We went back in the garage and I pulled Alex to the couch by his hand bc j know if I didn't he wouldn't sit there himself
     "Ok so luke and Reggie why did you break up with Alex" I ask there was a long paused before Luke spoke up "well we decided to bc he's cheating" Luke said rolling his eyes ok well then that's ..... hold up cheating!
    " CHEATING" I accidentally scream scaring Alex and Reggie but not Luke "sorry I'm just surprised Alex you didn't tell me that" I say looking at Alex "well he doesn't need to tell you if he cheating on us with you" Reggie said "what are you guys stupid he's not Cheating..... oh I see"         
     I knew what was going on I looked at Alex and he hesitates to nod his head but when he did that meant I could tell them
    "Ok Alex and me aren't a thing never were .... 1: he is gay super gay like gay as fuck 2: I'm bi and I have feelings for.... well that doesn't matter 3: Alex have been having panic attacks and I've been helping him with them he just wanted to keep it a secret bc he thought you would hate him" I say
      We sat in silent for a minute until Luke and Reggie got up to go talk
   "Hey Julie can you leave" Reggie ask I look at Alex and he nods his head so I leave

Reggie POV
   Me and Luke feel so fucking bad we didn't know he were panic attacks but we should of put it together Alex is gay and julie has feelings "for flynn....." I accidentally said the last part allowed "tf Reggie" Luke said " oh julie has feelings for flynn" I say before covering my mouth to shut myself up 
     Me, Alex, and Reggie were talking "we are so sorry Alex" I say "we really are" Luke said

Alex POV
   I knew they were sorry but honestly I don't care I care about the fact that I'm with them and they don't hate me I just want to hug them already which I did without warning them "Alex" Luke said I nod my head showing I was listening "so does this mean you forgive us" Reggie said I nod my head again Luke and Reggie are quiet for a second before "could we maybe all be boyfriends again" Luke said
    A smile grew on my face and i snuggled into Luke sitting on his lap "y-yes" I stutter trying not to cry
    About 5 minutes later we told Julie even tho we all knew she was listening in
    Right now me, Luke, and Reggie or cuddling on the couch well it's more like I'm clinging onto them for dear life  and they are just hugging me back. Damn I missed them so much

Luke's POV
   Alex said yes to being are boyfriend and that made me so happy I could tell that he was gonna be clingy but honestly that's ok as long as I have him and Reggie of course

Reggie POV
    I couldn't believe Alex agreed to being are boyfriend and hey I knew he wasn't cheating well deep inside I knew we all cuddled on the couch until we fell asleep Alex ofc falling asleep first then me I never really know if Luke sleeps mostly bc he goes to sleep after us and gets up before us but that doesn't matter as long as I have him with me

A/n wow damn there's stories are getting long in pretty sure my writers block is cleared idk even know how I manage to make it that long

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