1 - normality

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y/n's pov
i woke up late today, forgot my homework, lost my cat and even got into an argument with my dad. overall.. i was stressed. and fucked. i tucked my school shirt in my skirt and put on a black hooded jacket. we were supposed to wear blazers but fuck that. those are ugly.
i quickly applied some eyeliner on and some fake lashes to attempt to look less of a mess.
i tripped over my stupid platforms and came face to face with.. my own face😐
my mirror was a bit dirty and covered in stickers of my favourite bands. i scratched the back of my head and yawned.
'i'm only 30 minutes later then usual i'll be fine' i thought to myself.

i arrived at school luckily before the gates closed. my friends uraraka and bakugou were sitting near my seat waving me over. i smiled at them and ran over, nearly tripping again in the process.
"hey guys!" i said and bakugou glared.
"you're late again!!?! and.. y/n.. your eyebags.." katsuki said unimpressed. "hey they're in fashion.. right?" i giggled and uraraka joined in.
"it's okay y/n! we have boring lessons that don't require much.. brain usage" she said tapping the side of her head.
"hey!" i said feeling mocked.
i rolled my eyes and went to get a monster out of my bag.. but to my surprise. i forgot to buy one yesterday. "fuck!" i growled under my breath. bakugou raised an eyebrow before it clicked. he sighed and bought up his bag before handing me my f/f monster. "THANK YOU SO MUCH KATSU!" i squealed. "DONT CALL ME THAT AGAIN SHITTY GIRL!!" he shouted which made the whole class stare and aizawa sigh. "oops hehe sorry for him" ochako smiled.

the day went on as uraraka predicted... boring. training to be a stupid fucking hero was just.. boring. i want to do something more.. exciting ? i was forced into UA, my quirk is dark mist. it's pretty powerful i guess. it's like black magic.. and can be very dangerous. i remember when.. remember when i killed my own mother with it. it was an accident.. a freak accident. UA aren't aware of this, this is also why my dad and i argue a lot and he.. no longer likes me like he used to.
after all of that happened i fell into a dark hole. of sadness and had to get diagnosed with depression and shit you know..
but since i met katsuki and uraraka ive been a lot happier.
i'm also friends with shoto.. who. i even dated at one point and shinsou was a good friend!

i am now 18 and leaving UA soon.. i guess. to be a hero? is that really what i want? no. but for my dads sake. yes. i want to be a hero.

time skip to after school

school had finally fucking finished, i usually walked home with todoroki and katsuki. which wasn't always the best idea because katsuki hated shoto more than anything.
i smiled as i saw the familiar red and white hair, i ran over and greeted him. we met with bakugou shortly after and started walking to our own houses.
a quiet ping came from my phone, katsuki took it, "hey give it back!" i said trying to jump and grab it from his hands. he held it in the air, unfortunately for me i was very small.
"your dad says he's going on a business trip for a week" he said handing me the phone back. hm? business trip?

that's strange...

kidnapped // dabi x reader Where stories live. Discover now