6 - bubble tea!

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y/n's pov
i groaned and stretched over to turn off my alarm. i didn't even notice katsuki curled up next to me, touching my ass-
i picked up my phone and saw that uraraka had messaged me so i sent her a photo of me looking tired and deceased back.
suddenly my phone started buzzing like mad, i looked at the messages and notifications
the one that stuck out the most was from shoto
'y/n did you mean to post that?'

my heart broke. shoto had told bakugou he still liked me but i really didn't like him that way anymore.

a dark wave of emptiness swept over me and i snuggled into katsuki and quietly cried to myself.
i was fine five minutes ago.

bakugou's pov
i woke up to hear a quiet sniffle, i looked down and saw y/n cuddled up to me. she was asleep.
i carefully got up and went down to the kitchen. the phone rang and i picked it up. "hi bakubro! we still going to the gym today?" it was kirishima. "uhhh sorry i'm busy today" i said.
i sighed and went to end the call until he spoke again, "so you finally got with y/n eh?"
i froze. what?! no one knew i was here?
"what?" i mumbled.
"you're at her house right? didnt you-" i stopped him before he could finish. "NO!?- i just stayed here overnight?" i said whilst trying to make y/n and i breakfast.
"everyone's saying that you're dating her? you like her though right?" he said laughing.
my face went bright red, "wh-watch what you're saying shitty hair !!" i growled whilst ending the call.
i finally finished making toast and coffee for y/n and i, i bought it upstairs knowing she'd still be fast asleep. the room was silent, y/n was still curled up in a little ball on her bed. "y/nnn wake upppp" i said setting the breakfast down on her messy bed side table. "hmMmm?" i heard a little mumble. she got up and adjusted her eyes to the darkness of the room, "i'm gonna go get a monster" she said sleepily whilst stretching her arms.
"nope i made you breakfast" i said gesturing to the toast.
"i'm not hungry" she said getting up. i pulled her arm down and made her sit back on the bed. "please.. i made you coffee too?" i gave her the puppy dog eye look.
"fine" she rolled her eyes and started to drink the coffee i made.

dabi's pov
"when's our new friend comingggg!!" toga whined whilst spinning a knife. her hair was out of her buns and she was in her pink hello kitty pyjamas. "all in good time himi" i said brushing her hair out. toga was like my little sister. we joined the league together, i found her all alone. she had ran away from everything so i decided to help her and from then on i became a big brother to her. you could literally smell the childhood trauma on her.
but she helped me the best she could. and she's very excited for when we finally kidnap y/n.
"yes dabi, next week is the UA event... correct?" shigaraki said sneaking up behind us.
"mhm.. if i don't get her the first time surely she'll be easy to get. she doesn't do much. but that katsuki kid is getting too close to her and they're spending more time together." i sighed.
"hehehe i miss katsu!!!!" himiko said now cuddling up in a pink blanket. "do you think we should get both of them?" shigaraki asked.
i shook my head, "no, that kid was too much hassle and y/n is more likely to be willing to join us" i said.
and i want y/n to not be distracted by him. he's nothing compared to me.
shigaraki nodded and walked off, "what are we gonna do today?" toga asked excitedly.
"i'll take you out to that bubble tea shop? you can wear your new shoes." i said checking we had enough money for some snacks too. she squealed excitedly and went to get dressed.

soon y/n.. soon we'll be together

y/n's pov
i put on my black pleated skirt and a lace black top, my scars showed slightly but i put a black jacket on over. katsuki said he wants to go out on a bubble tea date! well not a date but i'm classing it as a date.
his hand clasped onto mine and my eyes widened, he's never shown this much affection before? we started walking down the street. his eyes didn't even scan around to see if any of our classmates were looking. a smile crept upon my face as i waved at momo and shoto.
"katsu look!" i said waving again.
his eyes widened. he went to pull away but something came over him and he just held on tighter and started walking over them. "oh- ok- hi momo! hi shoto!" i said smiling. "y/n! bakugou! oooh you look fancy, out on a date?" momo laughed.
bakugou's face went red, "we wanted bubble tea so- here we are- kind of" i said looking over to the bubble tea shop.
"well i'll leave you to it! bye guys!" she said walking off with shoto who was weirdly quiet.
i shrugged it off as we stepped inside the bubble tea cafe. a shiver ran through my spine as i locked eyes with those piercing blue ones that stared deep into my soul. they felt so familiar.
so... comforting?

kidnapped // dabi x reader Where stories live. Discover now