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Nicki's POV

   Every day at work, I noticed this woman with blonde hair always leering at me. It's like I always had her undivided attention. Whenever she's conversing with her colleagues, I noticed how her eyes always travel to my hips and buttocks. I'd be so weirded out but I never verbalized it because I thought nothing of it until one time, she went a little too far.

   As I was typing on my computer, she knocked on my office door, and I granted her permission to come in. I offered her a polite smile and offered my hand for her to shake it. She happily took my hand and shook it a little too long for my liking, so I cleared my throat and threw a toothy smile to mask my uneasiness. 

    She sat down in the chair that's in front of my desk. I didn't notice the two mugs in her hands 'till now. She trailed her eyes to where my gaze was and said, " I don't know if you like coffee, so I got hot chocolate, too, "she chuckled. "So, which one would you like?" she asked.  I smiled sweetly at her because that's the nicest thing anybody has done for me so far since I've been working here.

   "I'd like the hot chocolate, I don't drink coffee, at all," I said chuckling. She gave me the mug with the hot chocolate and placed the other mug down on my desk. "Thank you, " I said after taking a sip of the hot chocolate.

    " You're very welcome, Ms. Maraj, " She said low and seductively as she smiled weirdly, biting her lips afterward.

     When I took another sip of the hot chocolate, I could see her watching me attentively in my peripheral. I know I'm not going crazy, but I know I heard her mumble about something being sexy under her breath, and I saw her tongue dart across her lips.

     "So what brings you to my office?" I asked as I placed my mug down.

      "I- Uh- I was just stopping by to you know- I've been working here for quite some time, but you and I never spoke, so I said why not drop by Onika's office?" she said, followed by a nervous chuckle. Hold up- Wait a minute- Pause- How the fuck did she know my real name? I know my name is not plastered on a wall or nothing and most of my colleagues call me 'Nicki', so how in the h-

      My thoughts got cut off by her asking, "Onika, are you Ok?"

      "I- yeah, " I said as I smiled and went back to typing. I heard a zipper unzip, but her jacket doesn't have any zippers.

      "I-I hope I d-didn't make you uneasy, " she said after a few seconds of silence. I noticed her hand moving in an up and down motion in my peripheral, but I thought nothing of it as I continued to type.

      "Oh- no, you didn't." I lied through my perfect teeth. She released a sigh and threw her head back. The fuck is this girl doing? When I looked over at her as soon as I was done typing into my computer, she was staring directly at me. She didn't even blink, and that's what had me scared shitless.

   I went back to typing because I was too scared to get up and see what the hell she was doing. I saw her stick her top teeth over her bottom lip in my peripheral vision, and I just wish she would stop looking at me like that. As time went on, her hands went faster then I heard a strained, faint "fuck" come out of her mouth. Not too long after, I heard her grunting and thrashing about in her seat. When she was done with whatever she was doing, I heard her sigh and a zipper sounded off again.

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