No longer best friends

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Nicki's POV

As I was walking down the street from the store, my best friend Beyoncé came out of nowhere scaring the living dog shit out of me. She snuck behind me and said 'boo!'

"Beyonce, what the fuck!" I exclaimed as I placed my hands over my heart and turned around to look at her. She lifted her hands in surrender and said, "I'm sorry, I had to, " she said as she started walking beside me giggling. I mugged the fuck out of her because that shit wasn't funny. I could've had a heart attack.

    How did she know where I was? Because I know I didn't give her my location. This is like her 60th time popping up unannounced. I looked at her again and she was smiling while looking straight ahead. "How did you know where I was?" I asked her. Her smile dropped and so did my heart. She can be scary and unpredictable sometimes. I'm not going to tell her this, but she acts like she's following me everywhere I go. She's been acting like this since I made her my best friend. Something just doesn't sit right with me whenever I'm with her.

"I went to go grab some things before I went to your house, " she said as she smiled again. I looked at her hands, and they were empty, and so were her pockets. I looked ahead of me this time and quietly contemplated. It's kind of weird how somebody who used to have a crush on me is my best friend. When I was in ninth grade, she told me she had a crush on me, but I rejected her because my parents told me I can't go out with girls. I can't go against what they said because they always find everything out.

So, I made her my best friend after two years of knowing her, and also because I felt bad for rejecting her. I mean... Who wouldn't make her their best friend? She's protective, buys things for me, and keeps me company whenever I feel lonely. She even fought my own battles, which explains the four-inch cut on her neck. And when I'm referring to battles, I'm talking about the time she fought Meek when he tried to force me to have sex with him.

I brushed off her inadequate answer and continued to walk home with her walking beside me. I noticed how she kept glancing at me in my peripheral vision, but I chose not to speak on it. We pursued to walk home in uncomfortable silence, the only thing you could hear was the leaves crunching below our feet.

When I got home, she followed me to the kitchen and sat down at the kitchen island. I grabbed a bottle of water and offered her one. She declined my offer so I shrugged and went upstairs with her following behind me. When I made it to my room, she made herself comfortable on my bed. I laughed at how she always treats my home like her home. I also laughed at the thought of how she treats my stuff like it's hers.

I placed my water bottle on the dresser and walked to the bathroom that's installed in my bedroom. I removed my sweater and brushed my hair in the mirror. When I was done, I went to go drink some water. I noticed my water bottle wasn't on the dresser, so I looked at Bey and saw that she was gobbling my water down. I glared at her because I offered her some water and she declined it.

"Yo' deep throat ass better go down them steps and give me some more water," I demanded as I pointed my brush at her. She laughed at me like 'bitch I ain't trying to hear that.' "I'm not playing Beyoncé." She looked at me like I was crazy, then laid back in bed and played on her phone. I got pissed off, so I popped her ass with my brush. She didn't even flinch, she just looked at me with this predacious look on her face.

   I should've never did that.

She slowly raised out of bed and took off her gray hoodie. The wife-beater that she was wearing underneath her hoodie soon followed, so the only top she was wearing was a sports bra. I noticed a dent in her gray sweatpants, but I didn't say anything. It's probably her iPhone. She walked towards me and her frame towered over me. "Fight me," she said with a frown on her face.

"Beyoncé, just go downstairs and go give me some more water before I tell my mom you're bullying me, " I said as I looked up at her and scratched my head. That's a habit I initiate whenever I'm nervous or scared. I mean... This motherfucker is larger than me, so of course, I'm going to be scared of her. Plus, the way she was glaring at me had me about to shit a gold brick.

She walked past me, bumping into my shoulder as she walked out of the room. I think I left out the important part. Did I forget to say that she's a felon? She went to jail for a misdemeanor, probation violation, and aggravated assault. Her attitude is horrendous and you don't want to get on her bad side, because if you d-

My thoughts got cut off by an arm wrapping around my waist, and the sound of a water bottle landing on my bed. We act like a couple sometimes. It's like second nature to her because she has this masculine, possessive personality. "Please tell me you don't think I'll ever hurt you, do you? I was just playing when I told you to fight me," she said. I wanted to speak, but I couldn't fixate my mouth to do so. "Why are you acting funny? You've been stuck in the same spot since I left the room to go fetch your bottle of water, "she continued.

I unwrapped her arms from around me and made a beeline towards the bed. "Beyoncé, just leave me alone. You know I'm sensitive, but you continue to be mean to me."

"Nicki, nobody is being mean to you. You the one who popped me with your brush, " she said.

"Ok, I did it because you drunk my water, but you declined my offer when I offered you some dow-" She cut me off.

"Ughhh, shut the fuck up with your over-dramatic ass, you doing too much, " she said as she released an exasperated sigh and rolled her eyes. She climbed into my bed, laying her head on my lap.

"I-" I started to say but her head spun my way and I just closed my mouth.

"We were just doing fine. Why are you all of the sudden acting scared of me?" That question triggered memories it shouldn't have.

I remembered the time I pushed her at school in my ninth-grade year. It was a playful push, but she went overboard with her reaction. She probably had built up anger against me for rejecting her because she fought me like I killed her sister.  A few weeks later after our altercation, she apologized. It wasn't a weak one because she went all out with her apology. She bought me a rose gold bracelet with my first initial forged on it and a 14K white gold tennis bracelet. Of course, I forgave her because it was an in the moment type of thing.

    I love her no doubt, but she just scares me sometimes. Like right now, she's looking at me while I'm sitting here thinking. "Onika, what you thinking?" she asked.

   "I don't think we should be best friends anymore, " I blurted out. Her face developed this scowl and I immediately regretted the words that fell out of my mouth. My heart was beating out of my chest, I could literary hear my heartbeat in my ears.

   "YOU WHAT?!" her voice boomed. I jumped. "Nicki, you better be playing because if you not... " she got up to close my room door.

A/N: This some stuff I randomly typed up, so sorry if you don't like it🤷🏽‍♀️. Also, Excuse any errors

What do you guys think Beyoncé is about to do?

Are you guys scared for Nicki?


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