In love with my bully (Draft)

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Nicki's POV

   "Short ass bitch," I heard somebody whisper from behind me. Then, I heard a trail of snickering soon after. I wanted to cry because I've been getting bullied ever since the first day of school. Thanks to Beyoncé; she made me a laughing stock by naming me a leprechaun, "the tooth", and a midget. I tried to ignore the taunting, but my attempts were futile. So as a result, I became depressed and I still have to go to therapy.

   I looked back to see who called me a short ass bitch, and when I turned around, I saw the demon herself in human form. She saw me look at her and scrunched her face up in disdain. I turned my head back around and placed my head down. I placed my hoodie over my head to hide so that she could forget I'm here because I honestly don't feel like being bullied today.

   I don't get why she bullies me all the time, I didn't do anything to her. The only thing I did to her, well for her, was complete her science classwork so that way she would stop bullying me. But did she stop bullying me? No. Do I see her bullying other classmates? No. I always seem to be her target for some strange reason.

    The bell rang, signaling the end of second period,  and I rushed to plummet all of my school supplies in my backpack. When I made sure I packed all of my supplies, I patted down my pockets to see if I still have my cellphone, but my heart skipped a beat when I didn't feel my phone in my pockets. I raised out of my seat to look under my chair because I thought it fell out of my back pocket.

    I didn't see it under there. When I looked up, I saw kids rushing to get out of class. Welp... it looks like I'm going to be the last student to leave class. I released a vexed sigh and continued to pack the rest of my things in my backpack.

    "Tell who you what?" I heard from behind me. My head spun in the direction of the voice because I thought they were talking to me. And they were. It was Beyoncé holding my cellphone in her hand, struggling to decipher who I was gossiping about in my messages.

   "Can I get my phone back, please?" I begged. She wasn't paying attention to me, she just scrolled up, and I'm pretty sure more messages popped up.

   "Why are you talking shit about me?" she asked as she stood up and approached me. "Huh?!" she boomed as she shoved me. I gulped when she shoved me again, causing me to plummet down in my seat. She grabbed me by my collar and looked into my eyes with a scowl.

    "I- I-"

   "Knowles?!" Her head turned towards the teacher, and I felt my heart rate slow down. "Leave Onika alone and go to your next class."Beyoncé glared at me before letting my collar go. I still didn't get my phone back from her, but it's not as important as my life. I grabbed my backpack and placed it over my shoulders shakily. I started speed walking towards the classroom exit, but the teacher stopped me.

    "Onika, are you alright?"

    "Yes sir, Mr. Elba, " I said as I smiled weakly at him.

    "Alright. Let me know when that happens again. Be safe now, " he said as he stacked papers on his desk.

  "Yessir, and you too, " I said as I walked out of his class.


   While I was traveling down the hallway, I was immediately pushed into the bathroom, making my back and head hit the wall. I groaned and looked up and saw Beyoncé and her hoodrat friends glaring at me.

"What's all that shit you was talkin'?" Beyoncé asked. I didn't reply, I stared at her and her friends in stupor. "Oh, now yo' bitch ass wanna be quiet?" She taunted.

"I- I'm sorry," I whimpered.

"Naw, Bitch. It's too late for that "I'm sorry" bullshit. You weren't sorry when you were talking shit about me, now were you?" Beyoncé challenged. "You better answer that question right."

"I didn't mean t-" I got cut off by a sharp stinging sensation striking my face. I felt blood rush to the side of my face as my vision was propelled to the right. I rubbed my cheek to soothe the pain as I looked up at Beyoncé and her hoodlums' faces. They all had mean mugs on their faces, but that didn't scare me now that I was pissed off.

A/N: This is a short rough draft to see if you guys like it. Continue with this story?

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