7~ *she couldn't wait* C.Z.K

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Dani pov

I was laying in bed on my phone just scrolling through tiktok. My eyes rose up when Zion started screaming into his head set.

My boyfriend jumped from his seat and slammed down next to me with a wide smile on his face.

"Won another game?" I asked after setting my phone down and turning my body to him. "Yes, but me and nick bet on it and i won." He laughed and got up yelling Dude come pay up!

Boys. I thought rolling my eyes and snuggling into the bed hearing Nick yell something back. I closed my eyes hoping Z would be here when i woke up.

Time skip

My eyes slowly opened seeing it was already dark outside. It was a bit chilly and i still heard the key board clicking again and again and again.

I sat up with a blanket around my sholders. I don't usualy do this but i wanted attention. To be fair Zion was gaming all day long. I'm still studying and i can't come out every day.

I layed my hands on Zs sholders and sat there for a minute or two. It was pretty entertaining watching him play but.. watching his arms moving across the key board and his fingers tapping the mouse might have gotten me wet.

"Baby, you think you're gonna play longer today?" I asked not too loud in his ear. "Yea probably. A lot of people are on right now." I mumbled a well i'm turned on. Does that count?

"Not to be clingy but i really want attention." He didn't respond. "Baby." I called out for him... nothing. "ZION!" I now yelled out not really caring if any of the guys in the house or gaming with Z heard. He pressed the mute button and typed in the chat to cover him for a second.

"What's up? I'm in the middle of the game." I crossed my arms. "I called you two times already. You could have answered. A baby wait a bit could have been all."

He thought for a second then spoke up again. "Can i finish this game so i don't act like a dick and then my attention is all to you. Ok?" I sighed.. he's already a dick to me. But then again i want his dick.

I nodded. "Yea fine.. But i'm sitting in your lap." He would have blushed but the melanin didn't let it show. He opened his arms open and i curled up on him.

He unmuted and apolagized to his friends. Hearing him hum along while playing and comenting to his friends with his raspy voice really had me going more needy.

My hips started to roll on him. At first lightly and barely noticable. Then they went side to side.. then more down. I started to notice him pressing his arms lightly on me to stop moving.

At this point he was starting to grow in his pants so the lightest movment of mine could be felt against my clit making me move even more.

"Princess.." he mumbled. I hummed back looking up at him with the eyes i know drive him mad. "Baby, you know what you're doing. Stop it or it will go way further."

"Who says i don't want it to?" I asked pressing my hips down to him. My lips went to his jaw line. I pressed kisses and sucked on some spots hoping his camera wasn't on.

"'Aight we almost done guys. Let's move in to they're base!" I heard a guy in Zs headset say. I turned so i see the keyboard. "I love how your hands look while you game." I told Zion.

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