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Alice knelt by Kara's grave.

"I'm sorry we couldn't be better friends than I had hoped for." She touched the cold stone. "I'm sorry everyone stared at you like you were a monster." Alice bit her lip. It didn't seem right to cry, especially since she hadn't known Kara that well.

It had been two weeks after Kara had committed suicide. Alice felt a little empty seeing the unoccupied space two rows behind her where the shy yet bubbly girl had once sat. The metallic smell of blood had been expelled by the cleaners. She sort of wished they hadn't cleaned it away.

"I guess I'll see you..." Alice placed a delicate rose on Kara's grave.


I'm really sorry for the twist in chapter 8...I couldn't help myself, but it was really hard to write, not physically but emotionally for me too. It was hard making Kara give up just like that after so much she'd been through.

There will be other books with a character named Kara too, I just wanted to add in here that they will NOT be the same character as the Kara here who, well...yeah.

That Girl Who's DyingWhere stories live. Discover now