chapter 3

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The woods are hiding the cliff so protectively. A voice always called me, to give the answers to my unknown question. But I never minded it. Because it is  an abandoned place. I walked through the hidden path through the woods.

 I walked through the hidden path through the woods

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It's a   creepy wood.  Crunching of leaves and sticks under my shoe producing weird sounds. The small cool breeze. The trees are shaking slightly. It's a higher portion of the town. Precisely a hill side. So the breeze here will be soothing and also terrifying like it is hiding something. I mean, because of the sound of the breeze I can't hear other sounds.

I reached a clearing which is also a cliff side. I came here with my bicycle for the first time. I was a rebel child. Now also mother says I am a package of troubles. Maybe...

I sat under my usual tree. It is a really big Oak tree. It has branches covering  almost the entire small  area. No other air-conditioner can't compete with this cool shade. Really, it is awesome.  I can watch the whole city sitting here. A really amazing view. We should be near to enjoy the small things. But for bigger one we should go somewhere far from it enjoy it. It's my aspects. So can't say it is true. Each person has their own unique thoughts about every single thing around them.

Love,  it's  a big thing. We will never find it is  awesome when we continually feel it. When we are far from getting it, we realize its value.

I love my grandma very much. My mom's mother. She passed away when I was 12. She is the only one  other than Jack, who knows my deepest secrets. I never in my million thought think that I will never get that love from  anybody else. It's really painful to lose someone who really loves us. Wait..... I just rambled.

The thing is we will never really feel the depth of love our dear ones give us. Unless they are no more near us or they changed from what they are used to be.

I don't know how to initiate a conversation, nor how to talk coolly. My brother is opposite of what I am.  Talkative, jolly every time he has a smile in his face. On the other side, me with a straight emotionless face. A smile won't come unless I am with my loved ones.

Sitting here under this oak gives me so many thoughts to wander. Sometimes staring down to the big city is also a great pass time.

The time flew so much it's dusk now. I  didn't think I sat there for hours. I stand straight. My key fell down beside the tree trunk with a small noise. I bend down to pick it up. Then only I saw the strange thing that has drawn in the big Oak tree. Why on earth I didn't see this when I sit here.

It is half  hidden by the small grass around the trunk. I pluck them out and there is a sign drawn. It's almost faded. It is an old mark. But I see them somewhere else. But I can't remember where exactly I saw it. So I am not the only one who knew this small relishing place.

The sign is a circle with a star inside. It's not that simple either. It is hardly carved in the trunk. There is some pattern inside the star it's looks like it has a meaning. It's not clear, but I assume it as what I find. Maybe someone draws this out of boredom. But it doesn't look like that though. I shrugged the thought off and got up.

The wood looks like a cell with lots of secrets locked up inside it. The more I get to the center. The more the feeling of mysteries came surrounding. Something is not right today. Maybe something I don't want to know.

We will see it every day. But there is a right time to decipher the depth of  meanings inside.

I walked back and get inside in my car. The drive back to home is really the not so good one. Every time I came here to clear my mind. But today; it's really weird.

Something is going to happen.


I came back to home. Aidan is in college. He is staying in a hostel.  So the house is silent without him.

I got in the shower and feel the water flowing through my body carrying some weight from my heart.

I came back to the dining hall. Considering the amount of time I spent there today. I came late. Because now it's dinner time. My dad is a cool person and my mom is lovely and caring. I always admire them. They help each other and talk so much.  "Mom, dad"I called them entering the kitchen.

They smiled at  me. Dad came to sit beside me. "How was the day." He asked looking at me with a fatherly care. He is always like this around me and Aidan. Like we never grew up and we are still the little ones who run around him.

"Cool. Nothing special." But there are some special things, I don't know how to convey it to him. At first I didn't  understand it myself.

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