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I don't know what will be the consequences that I will have. He showed me the video that's ten minutes long.

After the video, I ask him, "Am I in trouble?"

"No. I think you did the right thing. You're such a good kid. Taking honor classes, while your brother takes both A.P. and honor classes. How does your brother keep up with school and sports at the same time?"

He digresses to my star brother. "He studies and does homework in the study hall every day after school with the team and at home after church, while I do the same in the library with my friends. He has a really good memory. He works smart and plays smart. He doesn't try too hard."

"I know your brother also goes to social events on the weekends, after day games with them."

"Yeah, he does. After night games, he studies more and just chills. Before night games, he gets prepared for the game. He also goes out on dates with the cheerleaders or just hangs out with some of the football players, both in groups and one-by-one on the weekdays when they don't have practice or a game. A particular girl he does the most with is Patricia Patterson, the head cheerleader."

He nods. "Oh. That sounds like a life I didn't have in high school. Where does he go to church?"

"Pasadena Temple Presbyterian Church with dad. He's an armor bearer and I'm an usher. We also go to mom's synagogue for Sabbath and Hebrew holidays."

He seems impressed. "That's awesome. Does he sing or pray?"

"He prays and helps out the pastor at church and rabbi at synagogue. A synagogue is the Hebrew church. But ever since he joined the football team in sixth grade, he stopped going to Bible study on Wednesdays and Torah study on Mondays. He still reads the Bible and Torah, though. Torah is the Hebrew Bible."

"Oh. Your brother will play his last game for the final championship, which is in the daytime."

Now, I'm getting bored talking about Matt. "So, why am I in here?"

He clears his throat. "You're here because Patricia said you attacked her in lunch. She came to my office after Lunch C and told me that you said to her that you'll 'ruin her reputation as a cheerleader and make her end up like Brittani'. Is that true?" What. The freak.

This b----! "Yes, but.... she invaded my privacy with Barbara. Did you see the video she recorded from Friday? Did you read the caption? Did you know she's a bully?"

"She invaded your date with Barbara like how?" By recording my date with Barbara!

"She posted my business to Parrot Spirit. That's where all the athletes group chat on Facebook." I don't know whose side is he really on.

He's trying to understand my concern. "So, you didn't want her to record you being on a date with someone. I don't think that's a big deal." He still doesn't get it.

"It's like I'm just minding my own business, and then found out someone was stalking me. How would you feel if someone peeped through your window after you and your wife were on a date, and then you two get busy?"

Whoa! I can't believe I just said that last part. He's stunned by what I just said.

"Mister Thanksgiving! That's going overboard and highly inappropriate!"

"You see what I mean? After I told her off, she made me feel like I was overreacting. Making me look crazy!" Now, I really feel crazy. It's working. Good job, Patricia. There's no wonder no guy wants to commit to your crazy-making self.

"I think I see your point," Finally, he gets it. "but" There's a but? "you both were being bullies to each other. She invaded your date, and you threatened her...., socially."

Despite All Obstacles Part IVWhere stories live. Discover now