I'm So Nosy

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This evening.

We're finished music for tonight. The band still sounds great with the saxophone, violin and electric piano combined.

I decide that I want to take the bus home with my bus ticket. Patt told me in the bus that a one-way ride costs fifty cents.

"Hey, girls. Us guys need a moment with each other," bro tells me and Shortcake.

We shrug it off and walk downstairs. Shortcake texts her parents. We ask each other what we think actually happened to Patt that caused him to take so long. We can't think a thing.

Fifteen minutes later, Shortcake's ride arrives, and she leaves. Now, I'm downstairs by myself.

I walk upstairs to tell the boys I'll take the bus home. Bro's door is cracked open.

"Bro, Robyn went crazy on me. Because of that video of me and Gracie. She slapped me on both cheeks really hard. She told me to shut up before she slapped me the second time," I hear Patt say. I didn't know this video could go this far.

"Were you scared?" Bro asks, concerned.

"A little. There were two of them."

"Two of whom?"

"Patricia and Robyn. Patricia was standing by and recording Robyn with me in the janitor closet. Patricia was telling Robyn to kiss me. For some strange reason, I liked it."

What?! He liked it when the girls were humiliating him??

"Whoa. Patt. What did you like about that? That sounds like sexual harassment and physical violence."

Yeah, it sure does.

"I didn't like that Patricia was recording us and Robyn slapping me around. I liked that Robyn was dancing on me and making out with me." I cover my mouth in surprise for hearing this from Patt.

He continues his story with bro. "Her face was all over my face and her lips were in front of mine. When she made out with me while I was crying, I felt comfort. She squeezed my butt and held my arm. I held her cheek, then her scalp, and her back. She moved my back against the wall. We were still making out. I stopped crying. Our tongues were in each other's throats while we were moving our heads and lips around in circles."

"Hold on. Why were you crying?" Bro asks him.

"They saw my wood," Patt whispers and I hear bro shocked. What's he talking about?

"They saw your boner?!" Bro loudly whispers.

Oh. That.

"Yes, and they were laughing. I was so humiliated that I was about to cry. I was leaving, but then Patricia blocked my way out, which gave Robyn the opportunity to snatch my arm and make out with me."

"Wow, boy! You got a cheerleader all over you. That's what's up?" Bro brags for him.

"No, Patricia did. She knew Robyn likes me for a long time. She has mysteriously started liking me before I started band in the seventh grade. She was in a relationship with a basketball player at that before she started liking me."

Wow. These cheerleaders are so boy-centered. Goldilocks is proud of being a rebound and Robyn cheats on one guy with another at a short period of time? These Palm Trees schools has some evil cheerleaders.

"Isn't Robyn like older than us?" Bro asks, curious.

"I think so. Let me look her up," Patt says, and I hear their Samsungs clicking.

I'm getting tired of standing, so I sit on the top steps to continue eavesdropping.

"She has a lot of Facebook friends and followers. And her posts and selfies are on point. She looks like she goes out a lot with other people besides the cheerleaders," bro compliments.

I know how jealous I am of her page, which is way better than mine. Thousands of friends and more than seven thousands of followers. She's like the Facebook queen.

"Ah. She was born on February 24, 1996," Patt says. Wow, she's older than ALL of us.

"Wow. She's a cougar," bro comments and laughs in a provocative way.

Shut up, bro. Nasty self.

"Let's see how old Patricia is," Patt says. I hear them look her up.

"She's popular too, but not as her best friend," bro comments, "January 24, 1997. So, she's an Aquarius and Robyn is a Pisces."

My momma's a Libra and I'm a Cancer. My poppa was a Leo....

"We're older than her. But the girls aren't. Shortcake was born on December 22nd, 1997, which means she's a Capricorn," bro says.

"And Gracie was born on July 11th, 1997. I saw it on her bio. Isn't it weird that our birthdays have the same numbers? I and Gracie have eleven and you and Shortcake have twenty-two, and they were both born in 1997 and we were born in 1996," Patt mentions.

I don't think it's strange. I think it's cool. I know Patt and Matt are Virgos, and I'm not sure what bro is.

"I wonder when Brandon was born," bro tells Patt, curious.

"Me too. Let's look him up. I know he's a grade above us," Patt agrees and searches Brandon, the basketball player Robyn dated.

"January 20, 1996. He's still older than her. I thought he was born in 1995," Patt says.

"So, she's not a cougar, after all," bro adds. He makes me roll my eyes at him.

"After we were done making out, that smile she always makes that no one else sees returned. They were eyes of love and passion. I actually saw that she's really in love with me. I just stood there and stared into her eyes for ten seconds. And it was over. You can't tell Gracie or Shortcake about this," Patt says.

And that's my cue to get up. I leave out and go to the bus stop. I text momma.

Me: I'm using my bus ticket to come home.

I really can't believe what I had overheard. I'm starting to think that Patt is falling for Robyn. I know Patt and I agreed to stay friends and that the kiss doesn't mean anything, but as our first times. What I heard about Robyn, sounds to me that Patt likes her better.

Do nice girls really finish last too? He told me she's too mean for him to be his type, and I'm easy to talk to. Do good boys really like bad girls, like the other way around?

Why am I all of a sudden jealous of Robyn, even when I stopped crushing on Patt?

I feel fat, ugly and unattractive. I'm not gonna cry. Goldilocks is really doing a good job making me feel bad about myself, with that darn video.

I step into the bus as I hold my tears in. I ain't crying in this public bus. I don't even care if I get lost.

Momma texts me.

Momma: A'ight, Barbie. Use Google by typing "here to home" and click the bus icon, just in case you get lost, and this's your only time. We don't know Pasadena like that. Be safe. 😘

I sigh, and she right. What was I thinking taking the bus by myself in this strange town. I do as momma told me to.

I drop myself off to the last bus stop and have to walk a block home. Once I see my "home", I start running in because I really need to cry. Momma unlocked the door for me, which's how I just turn the knob and run in.

"Momma, I gotta pee," I tell her as she prepares dinner for me and without looking at her. I really didn't need to pee. I think she heard my voice crack once I said that which could be why I didn't hear her say anything from downstairs.

I slam my door after running up the stairs to cry in my room in the dark. Alone.

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