Going to the Movies

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You were watching TV inside the Warners' water tower, curled up in a blanket.

You look around the room and see the siblings up to their normal zany antics.

Yakko and Wakko were fawning over pictures of Hello Nurse, while Dot was focusing on her overbearing "cuteness" in the mirror.

There wasn't anything interesting to watch, you settled on watching The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.

Right when you turned it on, there was a commercial break, until you possibly found something for you and the Warners to do.

It was the release trailer for "Brain Eaters from Outer Space." You weren't super into sci-fi movies, but it could be a nice way to pass time.

"Hey guys, wanna see the new Brain Eaters?" You turned around to ask the Warners.

"Uhhhhhhhh, yeah, sounds fun!" Yakko said with his usual "uhh" moments.

"Oooh, I heard Ed Nelson's in the movie!" Dot said, eager to see the so-called "handsome" actor.

"Let's go then!" You said, heading out the door as quickly you could with the others.

We were all running around the movie lot, searching for something as a mode of transportation to get to the theater.

We eventually came across a supply cart with props for the "upcoming" film Home Alone 2 (this takes place about 2 weeks before the 2nd home alone movie was released)

"I think we found our ride sibs!" Yakko said, pushing over the employee handling the props.

After all of us dumped out the movie props, we began to head to the theater, with Wakko driving the cart.

While you were riding on the cart, you couldn't help but notice something extremely weird.

You saw that they started selling Nintendo Gamecubes, and video games that for sure came out in 2001.

Perhaps when you were coming through that portal in your TV, you dragged along some systems from your future.

"What are those things?" Dot asked, tilting her head in curiosity.

"Oh, I think those are new systems for video games.." You said to the Warners, clearly lying to yourself.

"Oooh, Super Mario Sunshine? We should grab a system, and some games when we get back from the movies!!" Wakko said with excitement, as well as throwing us off track to the movies.

"Hey, can't keep getting distracted Wakko, or else we'll never see Ed Nelson on the big screen!" Dot said, frantically trying to get Wakko back onto the track to the theater.

(5 Minutes Later)

We all arrived at the movie theater and were able to sneak around the insanely long line for Brain Eaters.

We all bought our snacks and drinks with the money we got from scamming and checks from Mr. Plotz office.

Yakko and Dot got large popcorns, Wakko got an extra-large soda, and you got a (Favorite Candy) and a medium (Favorite Drink)

After getting previews of The Nightmare Before Christmas, Hocus Pocus, My Girl, and The Mask, the movie began.

You remember that this was the movie that they saw in the episode "Potty Emergency," meaning that Wakko is probably going to drink too much soda, but hey, anything is possible.

Near the end of the movie, you heard Wakko loudly slurping his drink. Considering you've dealt with this multiple times in the real world, you weren't phased by it too much.

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