The GameCube in the 90's..?

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After the four of you got back from seeing Brain Eaters, you walk by the store when you see a Gamecube console, supposedly released around 2001.

"Look! It's one of those video game cube thingies!" Wakko exclaimed while pointing to the store window.

"How are we gonna pay for this though? It's like, $200!" Dot said in a more monotone voice than normal.

"Easy, the money we got from scamming others!" Yakko  saying with full pride

"That's the spirit Yakko, let's go in!" You said with a skip in your step, eager to buy one.

(slight time skip..?)

The four of you enter the electronics store, and surprisingly, there weren't as many people in the store, thinking that the store would be crowded with little kids.

You look over to see if there was a spare GameCube system, and surprisingly, there was.

"Why isn't there anyone else here?" You ask as you walk over to the cashier, ready to buy the item with the scammed money.

"There haven't been too many commercials for this console, but there should be more airing tomorrow. So you four made a good choice coming this early." The cashier said, surprisingly not annoyed that they were dealing with the Warners.

"Loot at all these other games guys!" Dot shouted with excitement. I never thought Dot would be the type of person who would be interested in video games, I just thought she'd be too busy simping for Brad Pitt.

"There are lots of games with Mario, I remember playing the original on our old Nintendo!" Yakko said.

"You guys used to have a Nintendo?" You looked at Yakko, curious.

"There's lots of stuff you don't know about us, for example, Dot has a shrine of Brad Pitt back at the water tower, it's in a closet." Yakko teased

Knew it-

"How 'bout we get a bunch of Mario games, like Sunshine, Strikers, Double Dash, and ooh, how about the one with his brother?" Wakko said, grabbing a handful of Mario games.

"Yeah, and we can always come back if there's another release, maybe we can even get a non-Mario game, like Smash Bros!" Dot exclaimed.

"Dot, Mario's on the cover-" You said, pretty dumbfounded, but not at the same time (if that makes any sense.)

"Hey, don't blame me, I don't play as much video games as those guys." Dot scoffed.

"Whatever, let's just buy these already, I'm too excited!" Wakko said, putting all the Mario games on the cashier table.

(Time skip brought to you by Pinky and the Brain)

By the time all of you got back to the water tower, the console was pretty much already out of the box.

"Okay uhhhhh, just plug it in the back of the tv?" Yakko questioned you, because "apparently" you knew more about the GameCube (bc ur from the future soooo ig?-)

"I think so.. plugging the audio and video jacks should do the trick.." You said, slightly questioning yourself, considering you haven't plugged in a console before (if you have then oof-)

It wasn't until a very familiar tune played, letting you know it was set up, and ready to go.

You already plugged in Super Mario Sunshine so after the startup, you heard the classic coin-collecting sound effect, with the Nintendo Logo on the screen.

(After the startup intro)

The four of you were greeted with the Super Mario Sunshine logo and started up the first save file

Since Super Mario Sunshine wasn't multiplayer, you decided to take turns, starting with Yakko, Wakko, You, then Dot, because she wanted to see the game first before she played.

You all watched as Mario, Peach, and Toadsworth land on Island Delfino, and the toads looking at a big goop splotch, in the shape of Mario. A couple of minutes later, the game showed Mario being thrown in jail for being framed for committing a crime.

"Wow, even the biased judicial system is in children's games!" Dot exclaimed.

Yakko turns, and blows a kiss to the "camera," saying "Goodnight Everybody!"

(anOTHER time skip bc I have pudding brain-)

After Yakko got 5 Shine Sprites, he gives the controller to Wakko.

"What's a D.E.B.S Alert?" Wakko asked, not able to figure out the acronym.

"I think it's Delfino Emergency Broadcast System..?" You guessed, then looked to the bottom of the screen to see the actual alert.

"The Lighthouse.....On the eastern coast...Has Disappeared!" Yakko slowly read the message, sliding from the bottom of the screen.

"Investigations.....are now underway." You read the last bit of the message.

"Cool...where's the lighthouse? Oh, I guess it disappeared-" Wakko said, quickly realizing what he said. (Game Grumps Reference bc their rlly cool, check 'em out on YT-)

After Wakko said that, all of you broke out in laughter

"whY DON'T THEY SAY JUST WHERE IT IS?!" Dot said, jokingly mocking Wakko.

"The investigations are now underway, whEN IS IT STARTING?!" You said, jokingly.

(A few hours later-)

After all of you had a turn on the GameCube, the three Warners were passed out, from playing, and because it was nighttime.

You put all three Warners to bed, and headed to your own bunk, and fell asleep.

(hhhHEY, sorry if this was shorter than normal, I'm just kinda losing motivation, and tried to make something original so E)


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