Cars Version

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It was now morning in Radiator Springs and Sheriff and Lightning were having a conversation. This was all happening after Sheriff saved Lightning's life and he decided to repay him, but unfortunately... "I'm sorry, Lightning, but I can't take yer offer!" Sheriff said, refusing to take his offer. "But, Sheriff! You saved my life! And according to the rookie code, I owe you. Please! It's really important to me!" Lightning pleaded. "I understand that, but I can't take yer offer, 'cause ya already own to someone else!" Sheriff said. "Really?" Lightning asked. "Of course! Just think about it, son!" Sheriff said. Lightning listened as he spoke. "Who is that someone, who saved ya from being alone? Who really cares about ya and who is always there if ya need the most? Because of him, there is a place ya can call home. And not just that, a family." Lightning thought for a second. "I never really thought about this. You are absolutely right!" he said. He began to drive out. "Thanks, Sheriff! If you excuse me, there is something that I need to do." Sheriff smiled. "Yer welcome!" he said.

Lightning drove through Radiator Springs until he reached Doc's clinic. Taking a deep breath, he went inside. "Doc?" he called out. "Yes?" Doc answered. "Do you have a minute?" Lightning asked. "Sure! What is it, Lightning?" Doc asked. Lightning didn't say anything, but Doc saw a few tears forming in his eyes, making him concerned. Overcome with emotion, Lightning drove over to Doc and leaned against him, tears running down his hood. Doc nudged him a bit. "Lightning... What's wrong?" he asked. "I'm just... So glad that I have you..." Lightning said. Deeply touched, Doc smiled and nudged Lightning closer to him as tears fell from his own eyes. And so the two embraced each other for awhile.

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