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!!since it's almost been a year since I updated, all may want to read the last chapter to understand what happened!!

!!CW!! mature content included in this chapter!!! 🔞

Hyunjin and Felix exchanged glances, the older looking back at Jeongin with a blank look. "Wait what?" he questioned. Jeongin rolled his eyes, "you're really stupid I hope you know that," Jeongin stated softly. "I know you heard me though." Jeongin said loudly. "I know I did!" Felix exclaimed.

Jeongin rolled his eyes again chuckling, "Well now then, Hwang you might as well change too before going." Jeongin noted whilst smirking. Hyunjin groaned, running upstairs he went to change. Felix leaned up against the door frame looking at the floor in thought. "What's wrong, hyung?" Jeongin asked. Felix picked up his glance to look at Jeongin. "Hm?" he hummed. Jeongin was a bit confused. "Are you okay? What's wrong?" he asked. Yet, before Felix could answer Hyunjin walked down the stairs.

Hyunjin was wearing an outfit that made him look like a biker, although he wasn't a biker, the leather jacket was enough. Hyunjin just now noticed Felix's outfit once he walked down to check him out in secret, noticing the oversized hoodie, the skirt, the thigh harness and the little shoes he wore. Hyunjin curled his lip into a small invisible pout. "You look adorable, Felix." Hyunjin complimented him softly, causing red blush to dust across his freckles slowly.

"Lets go slowpokes!!" Jeongin yelled already heading for the car. Hyunjin rolled his eyes and followed after, then Felix after he locked the door of his place.

Once they arrived to the location, Hyunjin breathed out a aggravated sigh. "God damn it, Jeongin." Reasoning behind his reaction is because Jeongin ended up taking them to a club, which meant Jeongin probably wanted them to get drunk or at least get tipsy while in there. Jeongin opened the door the brawny, reeking smell of alcohol and sweat filling the room and deafening music playing around the large area.

Hyunjin had soon perceived the amount of women ogling him like hungry animals. Hyunjin brushed it off and continued walking around the club. The older soon found a bar and settled himself there meanwhile keeping an eye on Felix just in case or man or women tried to scoop him into their hands. Hyunjin knew he had to play it off as if he was dating Felix, so if anyone tried to do so Hyunjin would easily solve the case.

While Hyunjin kept his gaze on Felix, he hadn't realized he was downing shots. Hyunjin strained a grunt and coughed, lifting his head up, he noticed Felix rushing over to him. "Hyunie, Hyunie are you okay?" Hyunjin's gaze got a bit blurry but he shook it off he vision coming back in place. "I'm okay, Lix." he mumbled. Felix nodded, about to leave before he noticed one of the shots. Felix got curious and picked up the glass downing it quickly. Hyunjin was about to stop him, yet Felix already down it, but soon Felix shook his head and stuck his tongue out in disgust. "That shit tastes gross." he mumbled walking back into the crowd.

Hyunjin didn't bother, he soon placed his head back. The bartender walked over. "Sir, are you ok-" The bartender paused. "Hyunjin..." Hyunjin heard a familiar voice he picked up his head, turning his gaze around, his heart dropped.

. . . "X-Xiumin.." Hyunjin stumbled over the name that left his mouth. "Damn, I knew you'd be here. Baekhyun had me stay here just in case you came here with that mortal." Xiumin hissed. "I already warned Kyungsoo, if any of you dare lay a fucking hand on him, I'll rip you all to shreds." Hyunjin hissed in a whisper. "Oh, but Hyunjin thats the thing...you can't kill us all at the same time." Xiumin whispered. Hyunjin was confused, taken aback by what Xiumin just told him. "What the hell are you talking about?" Hyunjin asked. "You really think I would let you get away with that sweet, succulent, candied blood the mortal holds?" Xiumin stared directly at him, his eyes full of corruption. "I'm sorry but that's not happening, which is why I already contacted them, and I'm not gonna let you escape with him, Hyunjin. You were supposed to bring him to us a loooong time ago." Xiumin clarified. "I had a change of heart Xiumin." Hyunjin said. "What type of change?" Xiumin asked. There was a pause, before Hyunjin spoke lowly and confident. "A change with love." He said before shooting Xiumin a glare and walking off to find Felix.

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