Come on heartbreaker wake up sleeping beauty

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Marcelines POV

I have to tell her soon that my heart did stop beating and it hasn't been beating ever since. Makeup hides the marks, my skin is pale and my teeth grow sharp when I crave things so far I found out that I really like strawberries and that when I dig my teeth into them they become a white grey colour so I seem to suck the colour out of things, how depressing. I'm scared to kiss Bonnie, I don't want to suck the colour out of her! I'm pretty sure I'm a vampire, I mean that's the only logical conclusion. Bonnie took me to a castle today and the people there looked so weird. They looked like they were cosplayers but like food though, sweets, candy. I don't know I think she set this up to make me feel better. She even wore this Pink dress and a crown.. Don't get me wrong she looked adorable but she keeps saying weird stuff though like "wake up" and i hear her sobbing sometimes, i tried to comfort her but she just hugs me and then continues with her princess act or whatever. This hobo guy with a blue face and white hair tried to hit on my Bonnie.. the twat, he tried to take her away. Yknow, sometimes life feels like a dream...

"Sorry about the short chapter this is just the start of the transition between reality and dreams sorry it's stupid , and ... Please answer -

Question of the chapter: what do you think has happened to Marcy ?"

The Rebel and the nerd ( a bubbline fanfiction ) ( lesbian story )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora