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At Palo Alto, California in the middle of a cemetery was Sam Winchester. He hears birds chirping around him. He was wearing a suit and tie and carrying a bouquet of various flowers excluding roses. He walks through an otherwise deserted cemetery.

Sam sighs and stops next to the gravestone. It reads "Jessica Lee Moore", "Beloved Daughter", "January 24th 1984 - November 2nd 2005". There is a small picture of a grinning Jess set into the stone above her name, a black-and-white picture of her leaning against the stone between a white teddy bear and a wooden box with a crucifix leaning on the picture, a small American flag next to the box, and three candles standing on the gravestone; one is of the Virgin de Guadalupe.

Sam looks between the gravestone and the flowers.

"I- uh," Sam stops.

Sam shakes his head and then let out a sad laugh.

"You always said roses were- were lame. So- So I brought you, uh-," Sam says.

Sam looks at the picture set into the gravestone, then looks away, choking back tears. He steps closer to the gravestone.

"Jess-," Sam sobs, "Oh, God."

Sam kneels to set down the flowers.

"I should've protected you," Sam says, "I should've told you the truth."

Sam leans the flowers in front of the crucifix, when suddenly an arm covered by dirt shoots out of the ground. It grabs Sam's wrist.

Sam jerks awake.

It had been eight days since the death of his beloved Jess, and Sam was riding shotgun next to Dean while Addison was in the backseat. Dean had Foreigner's "Hot-Blooded" playing.

Sam blinks and rubs his eyes.

Dean and Addison glance over at the taller Winchester with concern written all over their faces.

"You okay?" Dean asks.

Sam glanced over and away, "Yeah, I'm fine."

Dean just nods.

Addison leans forward in her seat, "Another nightmare?" She asks with worry in her voice.

Sam clears his throat.

Dean glanced from the road to Sam, "You wanna drive for a while?" He asks.

Sam laughs a little, "Dean, your whole life you never once asked me that." Sam says, "Hell, I doubt you've ever let Addison drive."

Dean glanced back at the road, "Just thought you might want to," He says, "Never mind."

Addison nears near Dean, "Can I-,"

"No," Dean cuts her off.

Addison pouts, "No fair." She says.

Sam glanced at his two siblings, "Look, you two are worried about me." He says, "I get, and thank you, but I'm perfectly okay."

Dean doesn't buy it, "Mm-hm," He says.

Addison frowns, she knows all too well how he is feeling right now, and Sam is most certainly not okay.

"Addie," Sam turns to her, "Can you hand me the map?"

Addison nods, "Here."

"Alright, where are we?" Sam asks as he looks at the map.

"We are just outside of Grand Junction," Dean says.

Sam folds down the map, which is of Colorado and has a large red X labeled 35-111.

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