Years Gone By

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(Above photo for reference)

The Elephanta twins were the last addition to Miss Peregrine's Home for a very long time.

Everyone quickly grew a loving to Olive who was a free spirited extrovert that was always the life of the party. When meeting Olivia however, many of the children were quite terrified of her. She had strong abilities, there was no denying it. She had a genuine gift where as most of the kids were simply peculiar. The only kid who easily befriended her from the beginning was a boy named Enoch O'Conner. He had just turned 17 when his parents dropped him at Miss Peregrine's doorstep, and he too, was initially feared. His peculiarity was the ability to manipulate life. Though he couldn't kill or bring to life living beings, he was able to manipulate them as a puppeteer would to his puppets, ultimately controlling the entire operation. The two would spend hours in his workshop together, training themselves in controlling their abilities. He would create creatures for Olivia to then practice controlling with her mind. Miss Peregrine was quite fond of the relationship they had. They were her two strongest children after all, and together, they were practically unstoppable.

Enoch was the eldest child in the home, so many looked up to him as an older brother figure. Due to this, once he gave the ok on Olivia, they quickly learned to love their little introvert. She became a protective, older sister figure to most, and enjoyed playing with the younger children when her and Enoch would venture outside for experiments.

Enoch also helped in improving Olivia's quality of life. He was able to invent her a headset that, over time, evolved into small, wireless ear buds that prevented her from hearing everyone's thoughts. This improved her migraines which overall improved her mood. They were very advanced by this point. With the ability of sliding her finger along it's stem, she could control the strength of the frequencies she allowed to reach her brain.

The emotional auras too, had eventually begun weighing on her, for the stronger the emotion, the stronger the pull on her heart. To help with this, Enoch invented a thick black vest that strapped around her chest (think of bulletproof vest but as a corset) that would help the emotional waves to bounce off it.

Everyday, she wore both devices over her black dress with her chunky black combat boots. Sure they were mens, but that didn't stop her from loving them. The dress fit her nicely around her middle section and upper arms, but flowed nicely down to her knees. Olive wore a similar dress, only hers was green, which complimented her fiery hair nicely.

Speaking of hair... a few months after the Elephanta twins moved in, Miss Peregrine noticed Olivia's distance from her sister grow larger and larger. When she asked her about it, Olivia stated that growing up, she felt like she fit in with her ordinary brown hair back home, that she fit into her parents perfect quota. Out here however, she was allowed to be herself, and every time she saw her sister's bright red hair, it reminded her that no matter where or when they were in life, she would never feel free of her parents toxic hold. That is when Miss Peregrine, with the help of Fiona (13 year old girl that has the ability to make plants grow) and Horace (14 year old boy that has the ability of dreaming the future), helped Olivia dye her hair. Every day since, it has remained a beautiful dark brown to bright red ombre that she allows to flow freely down her back (her hair goes to her lower back, as does her sisters, with beautiful natural subtle curls).

As they grew (or rather didn't), Olivia and Olive were able to discover their own identities, and with the help of Miss Peregrine, discovered the true extents of their abilities.

All was happy in their glen upon a hill, at least, for now.

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Current Date: July 27, 1972

Olivia was in charge of keeping track of the current date, and for this reason, the children of Miss Peregrine's home were able to mark July 27, 1972 as one of their most tragic losses yet.

15 year old Victor Bruntley, older brother of 10 year old Bronwyn Bruntley, died by attack of a wandering Hollowgast who had entered their time loop on this very day. His body was laid to rest on his bed in his room, and remains there for other's to visit. Enoch worked very close with his body to be able to puppeteer him as a way to help relieve sadness from others during this time of grief.

Olivia and Victor were quite close, so the loss of him was truly tragic. Everyone mourned Victor for the months to come. Olivia knew that she could take away everyone's pain, manipulate them all into believing that they were all perfectly happy and well, but she knew that was too cruel to do to her friends and his life had amounted to more than that.

Enoch sadly, was forced to spend this time of mourning, fireproofing Olive's room (she was having trouble controlling the flames with the heavy feeling of sadness residing on her) and creating stunter's for Horace's dreams due to them becoming too violent and depressing with the change in his mood. He had this belief that emotions clouded his visions, and during this time of extreme sadness, it only proved it.

The children did eventually bounce back, stronger and more united than ever. Though a new task for Miss Peregrine had been added to the daily hustle, the children still had the freedom to explore the loop at their own leisure, though they were weary with the still recent death. They learned with time that it wasn't likely the more monsters would be entering the loop, and eventually, were able to travel back out to their secret hideaways. Olivia didn't have one though, she mostly spent all of her time with Enoch, either helping him with the small details on his little monsters or reading in the window seat that looked over the garden. When it was a slow day in the shop, she would sit up in the trees an draw her friends that played below her, sometimes even joining in for a competitive game of English football.

Though the date always remained the same, after a few years, the children of Miss Peregrine's home were able to find a new normal in all the mess and madness Victor's death had initially brought them. They were finally happy again on the glen that resided atop the hill, and could grow (or rather not), living eventful lives on their day by day loop.

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