Dinner And A Movie

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As the girl made her way down stairs  with her caretaker, they noticed they were the last ones to arrive at the dining table. All eyes were trained on them, but more importantly, they were all looking at their sniffling crying friend who always held such a strong composure around others.

Upon sitting in her chair, Enoch signaled from across the way to turn her shields down. She discreetly did so, trying not to draw attention. The voices began swarming her head but she did her best to keep herself composed and concentrated on her friend's.

Are you ok? (Enoch)

Olivia nodded her head, but before she could turn her shields back up, she heard a voice that stuck out.

God she's so perfect.

It was Jake, and his gaze was transfixed on her. Olivia's cheeks began hinting at a blush but she quickly shut it down, shifting her thoughts back to the casual dinner conversation.

Dinner was actually quite pleasant. Olivia had forgotten all about Miss Peregrine's words and Jake's thoughts. For this moment she could simply be Olivia Elephanta, the girl who could actually smile.

When it was time for movie night, Claire dragged Olivia to the living space where she told the older girl to sit on the patterned rug, then positioned herself comfortably in the mind-controller's lap. As the kids filed in, Fiona and Bronwyn snuggled in next to Olivia. The girl was a true big-sister figure to them.

Enoch walked in, usual frown settled on his strikingly handsome features.

"And where am I supposed to sit with the clad of girls where my feet go?"

Olivia rolled her eyes, sitting up sightly.

"Put your feet behind me then."

The dead-riser tried to keep a calm composure, but when she leaned her head onto his lap, his heart couldn't stop from melting. He leaned on the couch's armrest, giving his hand perfect access of playing with his love's hair while going unnoticed.

She smiled to herself before regaining her tough, motherly glare only to then focus it at the screen as they watched Horace begin projecting the past night's dream.

It started off as it always did, with Horace being fitted for some type of attire. Tonight, his head was being measured for a new, custom top hat.

The girls in Olivia's lap began to giggle as the boy checked himself out in the mirror.

"Perfect and Precise. I love it!"

The dream shifted again, now displaying... was that Enoch and Olivia? They were in his room. It was seemingly the night before and the two were fighting. Screaming and yelling took place, but the dream shifted before names were said or hair could be pulled. The girl suddenly took subtle notice of her singing softly to the crying boy in her arms, trying to not react to the extreme embarrassment radiating off Enoch.

That didn't last long though (thankfully), so as the dream shifted once more, Olivia thought she could breathe easy. Oh how she was wrong.

Suddenly, a montage displayed on the screen. It was mostly Jake, with his gaze transfixed on Olivia, the girl trying to brush it off. Meanwhile, all the faces in the room looked back and forth between the two who refused to meet the other's eyes.

Then, for a split second, Olivia was on top of Jake, breathing heavily as the two had locked eyes.

Enoch's blood boiled. The dead-riser had thought he had seen all he could handle before his eyes caught notice of himself being displayed on the screen. He was being thrown around the room, an invisible force throwing his thrashing body back and forth in what looked to be the green room, the other children filing out of the busted door. Jake had a cross bow trained on it but couldn't seem to get a clear shot. As Miss Peregrine told Horace to shut off the display, it wasn't the image of the dead-riser almost dying that stuck with them all.. it was instead the sound of Olivia's horrified screams that echoed throughout their brains, reaching every nook and cranny just for the purpose of striking fear inside of them, like a match to gasoline. What was most shocking to her however, was that she wasn't even in the frame.

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