Harsh Words For a Bird

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As the kids filed into the home, towards the living room, Miss Peregrine stared them down. She had seen the whole thing play out from her perch in the tree, and she was infuriated.

The children took their normal seats in the living room, though Claire sat in Olivia's lap as Bronwyn sat close to her side. The bird paced in front of them, they all were worried but Olivia... she was worried the most because she felt the anger radiating off their teacher, and it wasn't pretty.

"Children.." she began.

"That's what you are. I am your caretaker and you are my children."

The whole room grew tense, some refused to meet her eyes. They had never wanted to disappoint her.

"I do not know the full situation, so would someone please like to explain before I start yelling at the wrong people?"

Her patience was thin, it was obvious. A lot of the younger kids turned towards Olivia to answer. They knew she was brave, and it's true she was. She definitely had a fiery spirt, but when it came to Miss Peregrine... the woman who saved her from her terrible fate.. it nearly broke her to try and stay composed. She wanted to answer, she really did, but it all lead back to Enoch, and she didn't want to point the blame at him.

"Is no one going to answer me?" She stated, giving them one last chance.

Bronwyn turned up to Olivia, she had made a promise to take care of it. Besides, it was better to come clean now.. right?

"I-it was my fault Miss Peregrine." No one found it shocking that she was covering for them all, this was what she did.

"Is that so?" Miss Peregrine looked intrigued, definitely not who she expected to step up.

"Y-yes ma'am. I was involved in the accidental scaring of Bronwyn causing her to run to the village for comfort. When we went to go get her, I was the one who went into the pub and got her. I was the one who got into the fight with the bartender and his brother, hints why we had to run back here. It was reckless of me, I am so sorry." She bowed her head with this out of respect.

Miss Peregrine scanned the room again, checking to see if anyone was maybe going to step up and relieve her of the blame she placed on herself. When she noticed they wouldn't, she visibly sighed.

"C'mon my dear...We have somethings we need to discuss,"

As Miss Peregrine led her out of the room, she stayed strong, standing tall as the others watched her disappear up the stairs.

"Ok.. to the kitchen everyone. It's almost dinner time." Olive got up, ushering everyone into the kitchen to help. She felt bad for her sister but she knew she could handle herself. She was strong and brave and the most stubborn person she had ever met next to Enoch. She would be perfectly fine... she hoped.

As they walked down the hallway in silence, Olivia soon realized where they were going.

"Miss Peregrine..." but the woman didn't respond. Instead, now standing in the doorway of Victor's room, she turned to her.

"Why is it that you always rush to take the blame Olivia? You have wits, you have fire. Someone with that kind of spirit doesn't cave to authority easily."

Olivia gulped, she knew.

"I would never lie to you Miss Peregrine. You took me in, saved me from the fate of a life in an insane asylum. I guess I just... feel I owe it to you to always be honest."

Miss Peregrine gave her a small smile, taking in a breath of her pipe.

"I'm glad you feel that way Olivia. It makes me more.. aware of my impact on your life."

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