Solemn Sorrows

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Miss Peregrine was sad to hear of Jake's departure, but not nearly as sad as the others. Most moped around, a similar feeling to when Abe left began to sink in. It wasn't until breakfast that morning that Miss Peregrine shared the tragic news. Olivia feared Emma just might chase after him, risking her own life over having to go through the similar broken heart that Abe left her with. Apparently, in their close times together, she had broken her vow to never love again as she had fallen for the boy, and quite hard at that.

The children did their best to have a normal day.. well.. as normal as sad times could be. Sure, it was rare for someone new to stumble in, but it was even more rare for someone to leave.

Olivia and Enoch spent most of the day in his shop together, sharing sweet kisses in between battles. It was funny how, even as in love as they were, both their competitive sides would always find their way into the mix. Three battles were held that day, and each time, a new victor emerged. When Enoch would win, he would cockily rub it in her face, causing Olivia to playfully ignore him until he would give in, kissing her to make up. When she would win, she would do her little victory dance, but end it with jumping on his back and kissing his cheek so he didn't feel unloved. Currently, the score was E-2 O-1 and the tension was high as the fourth and final battle played out.

"You are so going down Liv," Enoch snickered, sitting back as he watched the two creations battle it out. Enoch's had a mind of it's own as Olivia's had two combined.

"You sure about that E?" Just then, Enoch's jaw dropped as Olivia's pinned his homunculi as it stabbed out it's heart, dancing over to her to give her it's prize.

"Good job little man," she stuck out her hand, allowing the creature to high five her.

"I think that makes us tied." Olivia smirked, dancing along with the homunculi before she released her control over it.

"Whatever, I'll beat you next time." He rolled her eyes, annoyed.

She cocked her head.

"Is that so?"

She began creeping up to him, and as he realized what she was about to, he began backing up.

"Heyheyhey.. you almost knocked something over last time.." but her steps increased as her smile grew more and more devious.

"You still lost though, so it only feels right to..." just then she pounced on him, clinging onto his back as he held her legs around his waste.

"I WON! WOOHOO!!" she began to scream. Enoch gave up on being annoyed as he spun her around on his back, walking around the room as she did her victory chant.

"Ehem.." Miss Peregrine stated from the doorway, a smile on her face as she watched the joy on her children's faces.

The two turned to her, looking at her attentively while not even trying to cover up the fact that she was on his back.

"Head upstairs to wash up for dinner you two," she laughed as Enoch pushed past her, carrying the chanting Olivia. They yelled down the hallways of the victory making everyone smile and laugh.

"Those two..." Miss Peregrine said under her breath, shaking her head with a smile. She had never seen them so purely happy before, it was nice.

------------------ -------------------

That day, Jake's dad, pissed as ever that his son was MIA for three days, spent the day hanging around the village, not letting his son out of his sight. As they decided to turn in for the evening however, they were stopped at the door of the pub that doubled as their hotel.

"Hey kid... I ain't seen you 'round here before." The bartender was sticking his finger in Jake's chest, the scared boy looking to his father for backup.

"Calm down Fred, that's my son, Jake." But the Irish man remained pissed, gaze fixated on Jake. Just then Jake recognized him from the day the kids ventured out of the loop. He gulped hard.

"Ey don't trust 'em," Fred continued to scowl as he turned back to his brother for support.

"You think it was 'em?"

Jake was confused. What do they think I did?

The man's brother studied Jake for a bit before shaking his head.

"Nah, too scrawny. Probably couldn't even take out one of 'em."

The Irish men laughed but that didn't ease Jake's concern.

"If you don't mind me asking, what are you referring to?"

The men fixated their glare back on Jake, taking turns speaking,

"Sheep.""Tons of 'em""Just up the road""Odd sight they are.""Odd indeed"

This sparked his father's attention.

"Can you show us?"

Fred agreed, leaving his brother George to man the bar. He grabbed his gun while saying, "you can never be to careful around these parts," before heading out the door. The whole experience gave Jake chills, but reluctantly, he followed.

It was a good fifteen minute walk off the path he took to the children's home before they came across it- a field that looked over the water, filled with the dead bodies of sheep.

"Are their eyes..." Jake's dad began.

"Gone? Yeah, bloody twisted I'm saying. Who ever thought this to be funny sure as hell ain't right in the noggin."

Jake's stomach twisted into knots as he remembered Olivia's words.

They feed off the eyes of peculiars but will settle for animals when their food supply runs dry.

Before his mind could consciously process this, his legs took off back towards the home. He needed to tell Miss Peregrine. His dad was screaming from the distance that greatened behind him, but he just kept running. They were all in danger.

------------------ ------------------

Rounding into the final stretch, he could see the loop entrance. Sliding into the latch, he tumbled into the cave. Looking around to gain his surroundings, a figure emerged from the shadows.

"Hello Jake, good to see you again."

It was Dr. Barron, he immediately recognized him from Olivia's description.

The African American man's strikingly white hair was his first hint, but what really struck the memory was the man's milky white eyes.

"D-dr. Barron?"

The man smiled a sickeningly sharp smile.

"You didn't remember my other name... Jacob" halfway through, he shifted into Dr. Golan.

"Dr. Golan?!"

The woman shifted back to her manly form.

"I can be whoever I want Jake."

Jake began backing away ever so slightly.

"W-why were you waiting here? If you wanted to kill them so badly, why haven't you already stormed the house?"

Suddenly, just as Olivia had warned, the man's arm shifted into a pistol and was aimed at Jake.

"I needed leverage to get them to cooperate. How else was I to ensure they wouldn't attack me?"

Dr. Barron's devilish smile spread wider as he pulled Jake closer, his breath breathing down the boy's back.

"C'mon Jakey, we have a feast awaiting us!"

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