♡♡V♡♡ To Get To Know Somebody 🍜🍥

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After all the hard work Elizabeth put in her very first two lessons, the recess had finally begun, and she sighed, walking out of the school building on her own.

Tamaki said she'd join her later; she was doing the homework that was due today; she hadn't started. So that leaves [Y/N] all on her own.

Just in that small amount of time, she had got to know a lot of new people that seemed pleasant to her: like Ogun. She had nothing against him, but he seemed to talk a lot of Arthur and her to get on his nerves.

She didn't know it was getting on his nerves.

Then there was Tamaki. All in all, she loved smiling more than [Y/N] did; it was like she wasn't even trying. And somehow, she always happens to get in the weirdest positions with Shinra.

Speaking of Shinra, he loved helping people out. He was even doing so now! She watched as he helped a short, blonde girl that had previously tripped over back on her feet.

And that made her smile.

"Thank you, " the short miss muttered in appreciation, she admired the way how Shinra would steadily run into situations to support others.

"No problem, " he scratched the back of his head in embarrassment and pride, that smile alone sent shivers down his spine.

Next, she was seen skipping away like an excited kid on their first school day. Unsure, he sat on the free bench and ran a hand through his hair with his head facing towards the ground.

"She's just so cute!!" he thought, blushing.

The next thing he would do is hesitate to face over to Elizabeth's direction and notice her staring directly at him.


Of course, he didn't like the feeling.

"[Y/N]?" he tried grabbing her attention, but the devil's little plan sadly backfired.

The big weeb just continued to glare with her big, beautiful [E/C] orbs as big as Hinata Shoyo's at the student.

It wasn't uncommon for this to happen; [Y/N] knew herself for gaping weirdly at others and the comments were always that the victims hated her rare habit.

But sometimes, it can come to the extent that she wouldn't even realize she's ruining someone's day.

The brunet walked up to her to end the uneasy discomfort, it was even uncomfortable enough to watch her shame herself.

"Elizabeth-san?" he attempted to make his presence known to her and held his index and his thumb close together, then sending it flying towards her forehead.

That snapped her out of it.

"Oh, Kusaka-"

He instinctively laid a hand on her shoulder.

"D-Don't worry, drop the formalities, call me just Shinra.

Why didn't that hurt for her?

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