|| Confrontation ||

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I guess I have to confront auntie about this. She has to know what's happening. But I guess everything will not go well at this point.

I can do this. I just have to tell her the truth. I mean, telling the truth won't hurt, right?

I'll just tell her I had a fight with a friend and then I regret everything that happened to the two of us

Just go for it, Chuuya.

- Later -

I went to her room quietly, slowly tip-toeing as I passed by the kitchen. I opened the door and saw her with a very cheery smile, walking in the room and sat beside her.

It's now or never...

I took a deep breath and gathered all my courage to speak

"Auntie..?" I said a bit nervously

"What is it that you want, Chuuya?"

I paused for a moment

"..I want to tell you something very important.." I said, looking at her fiercely

She paused and froze

"What is it? Do you want to talk about something..?" She asked as she caressed my cheek

"I... Fought with a friend and... I kind of said harsh things to him.."

"Oh dear, what happened..?" She asked, now very worried

"He said that... I can only face him if I will tell him the truth of me being mad at him"

"Why is it that you're mad at him?"

I stopped and decided to tell her

"...I think it's because.." I paused for a moment "Auntie forbid me to like anyone. And so I... Got mad at him to keep me away from him... And for me to not like him.."

The room fell silent for a moment or two, and one of us began speaking again

"Ch-Chuuya... I'm sorry... I just- I just don't want you to get hurt anymore.." She looked down "I'm really sorry I told you that... I just... Want you to be happy-"

"But I'm not happy!" I snapped "I'm hurt, can't you see?! It hurts because I love Auntie so much that leaves me sacrificing my own happiness! It hurts because that's the only way for him to stay away from me!"

"It hurts because.."

"...He's my best friend"

I ran out of the room and slammed the door

"Chuuya wait-"


I hid inside my room and began to cry

A few moments later, I heard a sudden knock on my door

...I knew it, this didn't turn out well...

- Kouyou POV -

I'm sorry, Chuuya. I only told you that not because I don't want you to make friends, but to avoid you from getting hurt like what happened to you in your past... I just... Don't want you to fall in love and end up getting hurt. No, I never wanted you to see you cry. But I think I kinda went too far and said that to you... 

I think I just have to free you from your past.

But from now on, I'll love and support you from your feelings and your decisions in life.

I'm truly sorry...

I love you...


End of chapter

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