Café - day 0

10 0 1

Zora's POV


"New York city!"Mum and I scream out the lyrics to 'Aaron Burr Sir' as we turn around the corner to the city.

We were meeting in a small coffee shop so our parents could talk through any concerns before we were on our own, our hotel was a short walk from the shop.

My mum turned down the music a bit which meant talking, uhhhgggggg not talking.

"You ready?" She looked over at me for a moment then looked back at the road.

"Yeah!" I was not, but fake it till you make it.

"Then let's go!" She turned down the music even more before parking her car on the side of the road close to the coffee shop.

My stomach flipped. Tommy could be in there right now.

What if he doesn't like the way I look? What if I'm too short? What if he's too tall? What if...

I was trying to shut my brain up, but with every step closer the thoughts got louder and louder.

"Dolly?" My mum cut through my thick web of thoughts that was growing rapidly.

"Dolly, you're shaking." Mum made took another wack at the thoughts, this time breaking them.

"Huh? Sorry I'm just cold" I smiled at her. I wasn't lying, I was quite cold.

"Ok." She opened the car door that she was still by and pulled out my coat.

"Thanks" I slipped on the puffy jacket and took a few deep breaths, I'll be fine, he likes me already.

Mum adjusted her scarf before pulling the door open blowing a few of her blue baby hairs back, she held the door open and waited for me.

"Thank you!" I walked in already feeling warmer.

The coffee shop smell like well, coffee. It was pleasant. orange, brown, and red engulfed the colour scheme of the place it looked like fall, and sure smelled like to me, the room was filled with comfy looking chairs and small tables, it was magnificent.

I scanned the room, still feeling sick.

"Tommy isn't here yet." I said relived, the relief towered over the tinge of sadness in my mind the part that said "if we see him it's done, it's over, all the anxiety.".

I went to go sit down while my mum ordered drinks for us, I found a nice spot near the big window at the front of the shop. I sat down in the sunset orange chair it was as comfy as it looked.

My mum sat across from me after saying thank you to the barista.

"I got you an Apple cinnamon fog." She says leaning down slightly so we're slightly closer to eye level (we were not eye level :').).

"My favourite" a big grin spread across my face, Mum never lets me get Apple cinnamon fogs. She says they're gross and that tea is for nerds.

"Tea is for nerds but-"

"This nerd is stressed out."I sing the stressed out part to make it seem less heavy.

My mum does her signature cackle(I swear if the woman was lost in a crowd I could find her in 2 seconds if she laughed.). she nods her head after and then sighs smiling down at her lap.

"It's really funny to me that you're worried about what he'll think of you."

"I was always worried about what your father thought of me."

She continues on as a space out thinking about Tommy and how cool it'll be to finally meet him.

A small girl walks by and sets two mugs on our table, mum thanks the girl before she walks away.

"And look at us now!.. Blah, blah, blather blather." Mum continues as if the boredom on my face isn't readable.

I pull the mug with the tea bag hanging out of it closer to me and breath in the autumn-ie scent mmmm,  cinnamon and apples, i grown even more distant and look out the big window net to me leaning my head on it.

I see trees, squirrels, pigeons, chipmunks, leaves, and desolate streets.

Then I see a car pull in in front of mums Kia, I don't think much of it till a tall boy gets out of the car then an even taller man. Hehe 'BIG MAN' I imitate Tommy in my head.

Then it hits me.





693  nice

a/n: im working on a cover rn! it'll take a bit but its worth it :) (that's also why there's no head photo shushhhh) the next Chap ill be out soon its gonna be A slight bit longer :))))- The R A T 

have good day/afternoon/evening <3

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