Get Him

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The music was clearly audible from there. I was so afraid and sweat drops started flowing from my forehead. I slowly opened the garage door and there was nothing suspicious and then my focus turned to the door of the locked room. The music was coming from behind it. But it had things and nothing else that's what Maria said. The key to the room was still with the previous owner. The door had a cross on it. Is it the warning for some supernatural stuff inside? I was stunned and stood like a statue for a moment unaware of what to do next. My whole body was shivering in fear. I got goosebumps all over my body. Without turning back my legs started to move fast towards Mia's room.

I knocked on her door several times but I got no response. She got damn tired and nearly exhausted with the day's work. I didn't feel like disturbing her sleep but I definitely had no other option. I am not dreaming. This is something even she should know. Moreover, she is the only neighbor at this time.

"Mia...wake something to tell you..." I knocked on the door without any break.

Finally, she turned on the lights in her room. Slowly her door unlocked and she came out

"Are you mad? You are the one always disturbing my peace in life...Aren't you tired? I couldn't open my eyes properly. Go and sleep whatever it may be let's discuss tomorrow morning." She was about to close the door.

"Hey, listen" stopped I.

"What happened? Any nightmare..." asked Mia yawning.

"Are you deaf? Don't you hear music from the piano"

"Yeah! I do, what's wrong with that. It's pleasant moreover it's getting me peace in mind...nice one"

"Idiot, there is no piano in the villa"

"Maybe from the neighborhood. There is nothing serious about it"

I simply stared at her and said nothing. Mia understood from my look, "yeah! Neighbors are far away from us and it's definitely impossible for us to hear such loud music from their house"

"Finally you are awake" gasped I.

"Where is it from?"

"From inside the room in the garage"

"You must be kidding"

"Definitely not...come with me"

Mia accompanied me downstairs to the garage. She was completely taken away by finding out that my words are real.

"This is impossible..."

"Look at the cross on the door. There is something crucial about it"

"Maybe the decoration..."

"Why only on this door when all other doors replicate the artistic value. Don't you remember Uncle's word? This Villa is haunted"

"Don't be so stupid. I hope you entered the world of imagination and hallucination after becoming a coder...this is nothing. Maybe a repaired phonograph..." saying this Mia hit the door with her palm and the music went off; "Look, it stopped"

"So you think it's coming from a phonograph and it stopped with your action?"

"um...yeah...anyhow the music is off and your problem too now let's go back to sleep."

She didn't mind my state of confusion and fear and turned her way towards the garage door. I had got nothing to do and hence I quietly followed her. There is something strange about this Villa. The way Maria and the Pizza boy looked at the garage door; it can't be left as such. I decided to consult Uncle Max the next day. Mia would never believe anything related to paranormal activities unless or until she experiences it all by herself. It's no point to stick her around in this matter.

Mia was about to leave through the garage door when it closed all by itself. Air can't be blamed here and no other external force was there apart from us. She turned back at me. My body shook once again in fear. Did her activity anger the spirit? The lights inside the garage went off and we stood in extreme darkness. Only the silver cross was visible clearly through the darkness. It fell down on the ground and got vanished. I screamed and Mia grabbed my hand in fear.

"Let's get out of here" I tried to push and pull the garage door but nothing happened.

There was a deep silence followed by a cold breeze. Tears ran down my cheeks. Then we heard a breathtaking sound which broke the extreme silence. It roared "GET HIM." It was a girl's voice. The voice hit my ears and ran straight into my brain. Its impulse was so deep that every hair on my body stood up in fear. Mia's grip on my hand got increased which indicated that she too experienced the same feeling as I did.

The lights turned on and the garage door opened. Mia ran out as fast as she could and climbed upstairs. I left the garage door to the living area and turned back and glanced at the door inside the garage. The cross was there as before. I climbed the stairs behind her and we both entered my room and locked ourselves in. There was no music and the place was filled with silence. Mia locked the windows and we both sat on the bed and watched the door as if something strange is going to enter our room. But nothing happened. Mia was shivering in fear and hence I didn't say anything about the cross on the door.

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