The Treasure

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"But where to find the treasure?" asked I.

"It could be anywhere. If it is inside then George wouldn't have sold the villa to us. I think he thoroughly examined the villa before selling it to us. Moreover we didn't know anything regarding properties of Werners'. It is an impossible task" said Mia.

Even the same thought ran in my mind. She is correct, the wealth could be anywhere. Why did George sell the villa with the treasure inside? I made a glance at the grandfather's letter which was holding and something got my attention.

P.S: Piggy bank; suddenly I remembered the drawing I got from the piano. Is this a clue to where the treasure is?

"Mia, I think this got something to do with the treasure" I pointed the word Piggybank to her "Don't you remember the drawing we got yesterday?"

"There was a piggybank in it"


"But how could you be sure that it is related to the treasure?"

"Neither I am sure about it. This could be a chance"

"Where it could be?"

"Inside the villa. There must be a secret room"


"It remained secret because Sofia's grandfather mentioned that he was tortured by George regarding the place the treasure is hidden. Sofia knows the place. He left the letter to her. When she found her grandfather's letter, she wanted to escape out from George's eyes to seek a way to fulfil her grandfather's wish. But she ended up getting killed"

"What is the purpose of selling the villa with the wealth inside?"

"Because Razia opened the door and let the spirit out" joined Richard. "George had no choice than to sell the villa and forget about it."

"Yes. Nightmares are worse than our goal. He wanted to save his life and hence decided to sell the villa. The income from Werners' business is sufficient enough to live a luxurious life. Then why would he risk his life by running back at something that is hidden from his eyes? I mean there is no need for him to loot the treasure and settle down with that"

Mia nodded her head in agreement.

I got a ring from my mobile. It was from Aunt Sophie.


"Where are you girls? You left without saying a word. I just came from market..."

Then I remembered that we left Uncle's house without informing them.

"Meeting with a new client; I thought we would be back soon but it's taking time."

"Okay take your time and stay safe. Is Mia with you?"

"Yeah she is here with me"

"Take care." She hanged up.

"It's time to leave..." I told Mia. "Thank you, Mr. Richard for sparing your time with us. I think we got a way to settle down issues. I hope your wife will recover soon and you will have your happy days back with her" I smiled

"Have a good time" he said.

"Take this" I gave him the letter.

"Keep it. I won't be in need of that anymore"

We greeted him good bye and left his house.

"How was your meeting?" asked Aunt once we reached home.

"It went well. I got a new project and this time Mia is going to accompany me in doing that. We got to meet them tomorrow to device a proper plan."

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