Hope to make things normal

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"The voice was that of a girl" Mia broke the silence that existed between us.

"As uncle said, this Villa is haunted by the spirit of a girl"

"It's strange, extremely strange"

"Yeah...there is someone else accompanying us here"

"Stop it"

"You heard her"

"It's your fault"

"What I did?"

"You woke me up and made me witness everything"

"Otherwise you will never bend your ears to my words and things would have turned hard for me to make you believe"

"I still couldn't accept the fact of the existence of supernatural powers"

"You believe in almighty"

"That's different"

"I mean you believe his existence without seeing him in person. In this case, you heard her, it's time for you to accept"

"I expected some consoling words from you"

"I need someone else to console me at this moment"

"You look normal"

"Looks often misleads; I am shivering from head to toe"

"What's next? Shall we call Uncle Max and ask him to pick up us from here"

"Look at the hour" The clock displayed 1 AM. "It is not fine to disturb them. Let's wait for the sun to rise"

"I am afraid. Let's leave from here"

"Please be patient" I gave the water bottle I had on my bedside to Mia. She had a few sips of it and placed it back.

I turned my focus into the laptop's screen and decided to browse for information related to 'The Happy Villa'

In the search engine, I typed THE HAPPY VILLA and to my surprise, several blogs laid there one below the other...

· Girl's suicide: A young girl committed suicide unable to bear the loss of her grandparents.

· Happy Villa- Is it haunted?

· George meets the press...

· Death of an archaeologist who rented the Happy villa...

· Mystery or horror Happy villa yet to be revealed...

So what uncle said was correct. There is a mystery around this villa. Is Sofia real? Maybe; we heard a girl's voice. Gaining all my strength I opened the blog one by one and began to read. One hour passed...

.....The villa was built in 1912 by the Werner family. Joe and Mary Werner lived in the Villa and they had a beautiful granddaughter named Sofia Werner. Sofia's parent's died in an accident and her grandparents cared for her so much. They passed away in sleep on the same day when Sofia was away for her school camp. George Fernandez, Sofia's distant relation through her mother was appointed as guardian for the Villa, factories, and Sofia as she was too young to take care of all the family business. Sofia was too attached to her grandparents that she couldn't tolerate their demise and she committed suicide in the villa a few weeks after the death of the grandparents. Her guardian reported her death to the press. She was the last descendent of Werner's family.

After 2 years of the death of Sofia, an archaeologist named Razia got interested in the historical artifacts collected and preserved by the Werner family and decided to analyze them as a part of her research. She along with her husband approached George and asked them to permit their stay for a month in the villa. They rented the villa for a month. But unfortunately, Razia went into depression and she committed suicide by taking a high dose of her medications. Is there a relation between Sofia's death and that of Razia? With Razia's death rumors began to circle around The Happy Villa. People around it feared that it is still haunted by Sofia's spirit. But there is strong evidence to prove that it is haunted. To date, the mystery around the villa remains unsolved as a mystery.....

"Mystery? Now it's damn clear that it is haunted and here we both stand as strong evidence as we witnessed it a few hours before" Mia's voice from behind made sure that she too read the blogs along with me.

"What are we going to do now?"

"Without any doubt let's call Maria and ask her to return our money as we are not ready to live in such a huge place...how dare she is? She didn't utter a word regarding this place." Mia said.

"But her looks did"


I had no other option than to tell Mia how many times the words 'Get Him' appeared since this morning and the strange looks of Maria and the pizza boy on the garage door. Mia was listening to me in disbelief.

"She definitely knew something..."

"She is just a realtor, Mia. She totally did her business and it's our fault for not listening to Uncle's words. We can't blame her. Moreover, we must have thought several times before buying such a massive place for a cheap rate"

"yeah!!! It's like a dream. Buying and leaving a Villa on the same day. I loved this day anyway because we bought something more than what we imagined. I hope we have to wait for some more time to make things much better than this. Back to apartment life again; nothing is going to stop us from achieving a lot more. I made up my mind. Let's leave this place tomorrow. Mom and dad would be upset...they promised to join us in this villa the next weekend"

I could guess from Mia's words that she was so upset. Her mind is asking her to leave the place but her heart is asking her to stay. I remained blank as I thought it would be safe for us to leave the place and move to a much safer one. But Mia's disappointed face did something to my mind. I knew how much she was excited to be here. Her joy knew no bounds the moment the keys came to her hand. Is there a way to make things settle? I was thinking...thinking...and a thing did stroke my mind.

"Mia let's go to the nearby church this morning. I got some question to ask a pastor there"

"What is that?"

I didn't reply. I simply smiled and hugged her. 

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