The Diary

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It was 12 in the afternoon still no reply from Richard.

"He is never going to reply"

"We got to be patient. Things won't happen at a stretch"

"I am starving"

"Let's ride back to the same restaurant and have our meal there"

On reaching the restaurant we ordered tacos. I frequently checked my inbox for a message from Richard but there was no positive sign of it.

"Anna, listen to me, I am sorry. I feel like we may get into trouble sooner or later. You read that someone died because of it. Let's stop this here and contact Maria to get back the amount we paid"

"Yeah, someone died but we are not so sure that this villa is the reason for her death. We definitely need some clarification before our conclusion"

"What's there to clarify? Everything matches the strange music from locked room...get him...everything"

"Here are your tacos. Anything else, mam?" Mia was interrupted by the waiter.

"No, we are full" replied I. "Do you know something? I have been trying to contact Maria last night but her mobile signals as not reachable. She knew everything about the villa, Mia. She purposely hid that from us. Contacting her and getting back the money is definitely not good for us because that could turn us into trouble. We heard from her that the previous owner of the Villa, George was on his business trip. So he is a businessman. He can do anything to cover the issues related to what we experienced yesterday. No one is going to lend their ears to our words. Without any knowledge, we are trapped in it. The only way to escape from it is by selling the villa to a third party. As there are already rumors out in the air, it's quite difficult for us to do this. Buying and attempting to sell this soon could make the rumors even more strong and could cause us a loss. To me, let's just give it a try."

"I am not going to accompany you this night to the villa"

"Neither I have anything to do there tonight"


"Call Uncle Max"

Mia called uncle and revealed everything that happened since last night and asked his permission to spend a night at his home.

"What did he say?"

"He asked us to come"

We finished our lunch and started our ride towards Uncle Max's home. It was 4 pm when we reached his house. Aunt Stephie rushed out and hugged us.

"Are you girls alright?" asked she.

"We are perfect. Nothing to worry" I greeted her back.

"Hey, there" Uncle rushed towards us "Stephie you stay here and make dinner for us. We got to meet Ben. We will join you for dinner"

Aunt nodded positively to his statement.

"Get in the car. I will drive" said Uncle Max. We followed him without any words. The ride was quite long.

"I can find a realtor, someone better than Maria"

"We will soon need someone" replied Mia.

"Anna, I heard things from Mia. I am not with you this time. I can't let my little girls get into trouble. My sister will never forgive me if she came to knew everything. Better stay with us till you find your best home."

"In case we solved it, the villa will be ours"

"You can't be so sure"

"I am here to find a solution to the problem with a hope that your words would show some light in the darkness"

"She has gone mad," said Mia.

"I am not mad. Listen, I may either succeed or fail but I can't step out knowing that there is a way to solve it. I need to try it. I want you guys to be with me"

"I am with you that's why I asked my friend to spare some time with us this evening. He is the one who told me that the villa is haunted"

"Are you sure Ben has something fruitful for us?"

"Maybe yes. He was so sure about the strange things happening in the villa. I hope he got some more information to help you deal with this. Do whatever your heart is asking you to do, but promise me to stay safe and alive"

"We promise"

"Only she"

"Come on stupid, be positive"

"Only Anna can be positive after hearing ghost"

"Are you afraid, Mia?" I asked her to trigger her anger more

"From the very beginning"

"I was afraid too. But after meeting the pastor, there is some dose of confidence sprinkling in my mind"

"You are getting us near to trouble"

"No, as I said before, we will finalize things after knowing whether the villa is haunted by a good or bad spirit"

"If it's a good one?" asked Mia

"Then we will help it"

"No way"

It was 5.30 when we reached Ben's house. It was more or less a tiny house with a massive garden around it.

Ben greeted us and let us into his house. He is a pastor.

"Max told me everything"

"Do you know who is haunting the villa?" asked Mia

"I once worked under Father Austin. I didn't exactly remember the date but a few years back a person named George came to meet Father. I was with them throughout the meeting. George said everything about the death of the Werners and their granddaughter. He said that their death was a terrible loss to him as they treated him like their own son though he is distantly related to them through Sofia's mother. As he was appointed as guardian to their wealth, he stayed in the villa and took care of the business after their death. He said he witnessed some strange music from inside Sofia's room at night, from her piano. To avoid these, he burned things in Sofia's room. He thought by burning the piano and things related to her he could get back his peace. To his shock, the piano and a diary left unburned. Since that day he began to visualize a girl hanging in his room. He also began to hallucinate some unusual presence in the villa. He begged Father to help him. Father listened to his words patiently and asked me to stay out for some time so that he could have some words with George in privacy. They discussed it for about half an hour. Father Austin along with Father Peter took some of their assistants to the happy villa and I was one among them. As per his words, George ordered his men to keep the piano along with the diary in a small room in the garage. The room was empty and had nothing else. We were then asked to stay out while Father Austin and Father Peter did holy things to control the spirit. During this process, we all heard music from the piano which soon vanished in the air with holy words. We were asked to sprinkle holy water all around the villa. Father Austin locked the door to the room and placed a cross on it and warned George not to unlock it for any reason."

"Thank you," I said.

After a cup of coffee, we left his house.

The villa is indeed haunted by Sofia; there is a piano inside the locked room; George is not related to them by blood. Everything is okay. But who is 'Him' in the phrase 'Get him'? Only one thing can help us 'THE DIARY.'

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