HNA 53

316 12 3

-One Year Later-

The legendary group name Scar are now starting to dissappear, after the fight they did with All for one they didn't show up again.

They all agreed that once (Y/N) came back, they're going to be a heroes again.

"It's been a year since (Y/N) left" Ren said as he was pouring a tea for Kazuma, Saikawa smile.

"But once she came back, you better guys get ready to become a Scar again" Saikawa said made Yumi smile and nod "Yeah!"

But as they stopped being a heroes a lot of people started to hate Tear, not because she is the reason why they are not heroes for now

Because people started to realize that hero shouldn't kill a villain, what Tear do is wrong.

Half of them still like Tear but half of them started to hate her because killing a villain is not doing of a hero


While the five of them were casually talking a letter for Kazuma arrived, he opened it in front of his friends and read it.

The letter was saying (Y/N) is dead, and her grave is in the ******, the letter said she died because of a villain who's known by stealing a quirk

At first they hesitated since they knew (Y/N) is immortal like them, she can't be killed if wasn't her teammate is the killer

But once they remembered that All for one had a quirk to steal other quirk the four of them immediately leave and headed to the adress where (Y/N)'s body is buried.

The four of them become heartbroken as they saw (Y/N)'s grave, Kazuma who is the most affected of them all hold back his tears and just looking at it like a cold person

Ren was smiling as his tears are falling down "(Y/N)... Is not dead, right?" he asked to his friends.

"(Y/N) said you'll comeback?" Saikawa asked still smiling yet his tears are falling down into his cheeks

He sat on the ground as clenching his hands while the other member is just looking at him heart broken

Ren patted his back "Saikawa..." he said but Saikawa shoved his hand and look at him "Ren! she said she'll comeback!"

Saikawa said as his tears are falling down, Yumi's tears fall down made Kazuma look at her and slowly place his hand on her back.

"(Y/N) ! YOU PROMISED YOU'LL COMEBACK! (Y/N) ! YOU BRAT!" Saikawa yelled while crying.

As the four of them are crying in (Y/N)'s grave, there's someone watching them, a guy

He was wearing a black suit and black hat, smiling from victory.




(Y/N) was alive, in fact she was leaving by her own preparing for the next battle with All for one.

As she was walking in the streets, she saw a bunch of man beating a helpless guy who've been begging to stop

"I'll already pay you, why do you still want me to give you money every month?" the helpless guy said

The group of guy didn't listen to him and just beating him up, while (Y/N) look at the helpless man

The helpless man noticed (Y/N) watching " me" he said made (Y/N) eyes winded.

He knew who she is, (Y/N) eyes changed onto a bloodlust and quickly summoned her sword and help him to the bunch of guy

She killed them without hesitation, once (Y/N) realized what she did her eyes back to normal and look at the helpless man.

𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now