Kids- Bananas

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Meg: Calvin, why did the banana go to the doctors?

Calvin: I dunno. Why?

Meg: Because he wasn't "peeling" well.

Sam: Hey, Charles Wallace.

Charles Wallace: What?

Sam: Did you hear the one about the banana and the ice cream?

Charles Wallace: No. What about the banana and the ice cream?

Sam: When the banana split, the ice screamed!

Charles Wallace: Hey, Calvin! 

Calvin: Yes, Charles Wallace?

Charles Wallace: What did the boy say when he bit into the brown, yucky banana?

Calvin: I dunno. What?

Charles Wallace: he said "blaaaaaaaaaaaggggggghhhhh!" 

Now that's funny!

Any requests?

Request rules? Well, request a subject and wether the kids should tell the jokes or the Wiggles.

Peace and love,


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