"You dont have to worry anymore Rusty"

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Today was Rusty's day off.

He wanted to do something fun with his kids and wife for once!

When him and Indy woke up they snuggled with the pups a bit

Indy went to the kitchen to start cooking and rusty sat on the couch. Then Cupcake and Little Jack came down the stairs.

"good morning guys!" Said Indy

"good morning mum" said jack rubbing his eyes

"good morning!" Said cupcake

"what do you guys wanna do today?" Rusty asked as jack plopped on the couch

"not sure yet" said jack still waking up

"maybe a nerf war?" Said cupcake

"awesome idea! Me and the guys can destroy you!" Said rusty smugly

"we'll win Old man!" Said jack finally with some energy

"I.. I'm not old!" Said rusty as he began to fake cry

They all laughed as they went to the table to eat breakfast.

After breakfast the kids got their nerf guns and waged a huge streetwide war with other kids!

Rusty and Indy sat on the porch watching this massive battle unfold.

Rusty sat there watching. He then began to think about how he treated Indy when he came home from deployments. How he would leave home and come back drunk...

*7 years earlier*

This was before any of the kids (except for max) were born.

Rusty had been out drinking in downtown Los Angeles and came home super late drunk.

Indy sat in the front room waiting for him.

Rusty stumbled into the house

"there you are! I've been worried sick! Do you know what time it is?!" Indy asked angrily as rusty stood drunk before her

"I.. it.. it's n..ot that l..late" rusty slurred

"are you drunk?!" Indy asked enraged

"G..Get o..off m..my back woman!" Rusty retaliated

"you need to stop drinking rusty! Who knows what your doing out there! You could get yourself killed!" Indy yelled angrily

They started to argue loudly. Until a concerned resident Called the police when slamming and crashing was heard.

*Knock* *knock*

"lapd!" the officer said as he knocked on the door

The officer heard crashing and yelling coming from inside the house he noticed it was unlocked

He knocked again

He heard more and more screaming and slamming

"I'm coming in!" The officer said fearing the worst

The officer then called for additional units and rushed in.

The house was in complete disarray. Furniture flipped and broken glass everywhere.

"LAPD!" The officer exclaimed sternly

He then slowly approached the kitchen where the screaming came from. He saw rusty and Indy screaming at each other with no visible injuries.

Rusty and Indy noticed the cop
And stopped

"what on earth is going on here?" The officer asked

"sh..she t..told m..me of..f" rusty slurred angrily

"excuse me?" The officer asked confused

"SHE she tol..told me o..off" rusty slurred again

"he completely destroyed the house. He's extremely drunk and dangerously angry!" Indy explained shaking.

"ok ok guys please calm down and tell me what led up to this?" The officer said softly to calm

"he went to the pub hours ago and never told me. Then a few minutes ago he came home drunk and when I got mad at him he went on a rampage!" Indy exclaimed

"did he hit you?" The officer asked

"I didn't h..hit that w..wench" rusty slurred

"no he didn't. But he I have a feeling he would have if you didn't come!" Said Indy

"has he hit you before?" The officer asked

"no sir. He's never acted this violent before" said Indy

The additional officers began to arrive 

Jean was patrolling when he got a call of a domestic dispute At rusty's address

"rusty's house?" Jean asked himself as he responded to the call

Jean approached the residence and saw the officers trying to maintain the situation!

"what's going on?" Jean asked

"so these 2 got into a verbal argument and the male destroyed the house in a fit of rage..." an officer explained

"ok."'said Jean as he entered

Jean walked up to rusty who was sat on the couch.

"hey rusty. What's going on? Why are you doing this?" Jean asked softly

Rusty began to cry...

"I..i don't know man. F*cking war. I can't get them out of my head!" Said rusty

"who?" Jean asked

"j..jack and m- Mackenzie... I hear them screaming at me in my head." Said rusty as he began to cry

"ok Just calm down Monsieur. I'm here for you." Said Jean

"I n..need help man..." said rusty shakily

"We"ll help you rusty. Your not under arrest" said Jean as he patted rusty's shoulder

After some talking rusty voluntarily went to the station to sober up and seek help.

The next day rusty came home and made up with Indy. That day he swore to never drink again.

Rusty snapped back into the present day.

"is everything ok honey?" Indy asked with concern

"yeah. Just thinkin about that night." Said rusty

"what night?" Indy asked

"when I went on that rampage. when I almost hurt you..." said rusty

Indy put her paw on rusty's paw.

"that's in the past now honey. Your a better man now! We are raising 2 beautiful children. We have a nice home. Jack and Mackenzie are alive and here with us! You don't have to worry any more! I know the war took a lot from you but we have to move on! I love you rusty." Said Indy happily

"I love you to Indy" said rusty as him and Indy kissed

Rusty felt so much better. He didn't have to worry anymore...

The end...

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