Chapter Five

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Merton hadn't previously looked through the store's section of werewolf books properly before. He hadn't felt the need to until now. He had assumed that he already owned all or most books on lycanthropy that's on the shelves at the Witch's Cavern - the occult bookstore he works at. As it turns out, there's a lot more volumes here that he doesn't have than he first thought.

However, most of the ones he doesn't have are located in the restricted section that you need special permission from Rowena to look through, other than on the main shop floor. Unfortunately, Merton doesn't have the proper authority to search up there, or maintain the area. He's had to sneak up here.

And now he's a little hurt that Rowena doesn't seem to trust him with this area just yet. To be fair, he hasn't been working here as long as some of the other employees like Castiel for example.

Although now he supposes he won't be getting proper permission to come up here anytime soon once Rowena or even Castiel discover he's been up here....

"Alright. Let's see if there's anything up here..." Merton mutters, shaking his head as he looks through the volumes in the shelf in front of him.

And boy, is there some good stuff up here, and not just ones on lycanthropy. There's even volumes that he's never heard of, and some he's vaguely aware of.

But while some of these rare volumes interest him, he's only after the lycanthropy ones. He has to know if there's anything he can do to prevent his and Tommy's child from inheriting any of Tommy's werewolf genes. If he goes through with this pregnancy, then there's no way he wants to put his child through something if there's a way he can prevent it from happening in the first place.

Sitting down on the floor in front of the bookshelf, Merton sets one of the books down in front of him along with a small black notebook and a pen. While he'd love to add some of these books to his collection back home, he's not even supposed to be up here in the first place, so writing down a few notes if he manages to find something will have to do. Besides, these books cost so much more than he can afford. Maybe one day he can add some of them to his collection. He can never say no to adding more books on lycanthropy to his collection.

Merton isn't sure how much time has passed since he's been up here. Though it's definitely been more than an hour, he knows that for sure. But how long exactly, he's got no idea.

So far he's not found a lot, but he's found a few things that might help which he's written down in his notebook. But he fears that they're not exactly what he's looking for.

"There's gotta be an answer somewhere." He mutters, looking round at the pile of books in front of him.

At the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs, Merton freezes. He's been caught, and he's going to get in trouble for being up in here.

"Merton?" It's Castiel. "What are you doing up here?"

Merton sighs, cursing under his breath. He had hoped that no one would catch him up here. Unfortunately he knew that would happen before he even came up here, because of course it would. Was he expecting it to be Cas that's caught him though? Well... he's a little on the fence about the answer to that.

Though at least it's Cas that's caught him up here. He feels much better knowing that it's Cas that's found him other than anyone else in the store. He's just glad that it wasn't Rowena to catch him. While Rowena does adore and love him, he's not entirely sure she'd be very happy with him for sneaking into the restricted section. Not when he doesn't have permission to go up there.

"Cas, uhm... hi." Merton says, not knowing what the hell to say.

He can't just explain to him his situation without sounding insane. After all, while Cas does work in an occult bookstore, who's to say if he believes in werewolves or not? Or if he even believes anything about the supernatural in the first place?

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