•Chapter 13

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I left Austin's house smiling as I trudged back home hoping neither of my family members were home. I unlocked the door and walked in to see my dad sitting next to a little girl while my mom was making dinner.

"Oh, look faggots home." The girls head turned and looked at me while my dad spoke.

"Go up to your room. You aren't eating dinner with us." My mom said not looking up at me, I ran up the staircase and into my bedroom that I barely know anymore.

-5 hours later-

I hear a tiny tap on my door and I sigh outloud, as I slide off my bed to open the door and see the little girl. I let her in my room then shut it quietly behind me.

"Are you my brother?" She asks.

"I guess. Who are you?" I smile.

"I'm Allison, they call me Ally." Of course they name her Ally. Alan, man they're just replacing me. I sigh out as my stomach growls. "Oh I remember why I came in here!" She squeals then reaches into her pocket to bring out a paper towel that had Italian bread in it with some chicken.

"Thank you Allycat." I said with smile.

"No problem..." She pauses. "Ginger cat." I chuckle and she giggles with me.

"How old are you Ally?"

"I'm.." She counts on her finger. "Six." She said with a cute smile. "How old are you?" She said pointing at me while her Green eyes grow wide.

"I'm.." I pretend to count on my fingers. "17." She giggles and leans on me while I eat my food then she notices my guitar in the corner.

"Can you play music?" I nod then she tries to pick up the guitar then gives up.

"I'll play you something tomorrow afternoon if I come home. Alright?" I say with a smile.

"Yeah!" She opens the door to leave when mom was listening. "Mommy! Gingercat is going to play me a song tomorrow." She said with a big grin.

"That's good. Go to sleep Ally." She turns back around and hugs me the disappears to her bedroom, I stand up off the ground to see my mother still in the doorway.

"I will just come home to play her the song then I will be out of your hair." I say as I pull back my blanket.

"Alan." She says softly, I turn around to see her.


"You know you can come home whenever you want." She says quietly.

"Yeah cause Dad and you want me home, such a disgrace I am." I mumble.

"You aren't a disgrace."

"I'm gay mom! This isn't a phase! I'm gay and I'm a disgrace to the family. You both said it yourself." With that she left me to fall asleep with my thoughts.

-Fast forward to School-

I walk to my locker happy to see Austin but when I see him, he doesn't look at me, so I walk over to his locker. "Hey Austin." There wasn't a response. "Austin." I said as I touched his shoulder.

"Get the fuck off me Fag!" He shouted facing me, I felt tears crumble down my face.


"I used you. And now I'm gonna tell everyone what is wrong with you."

My breathing became short as I ran off away from him. I ran straight into Aaron and Tino. "Please tell me Alan this isn't true." Tino stated as Aaron didn't make any eye contact.

"What?" I asked. He held up a flyer of my in my ginger cat outfit with the captions of "slutty cat, does anything for money. Club XPosed. Wow such a fag." I stared up at them and they just looked for a response where I turned to leave Ronnie was laughing with his group. Mike was looking at me but with his evil look, I began to cry harder. Everyone hates me, Austin just used me. I turned to run again but ran into another person. Tony.

"Oh hey Alan." Tears were now burning my skin as they crumbled down. "What's wrong?" He asked. He was here for Mike it was obvious but I showed him the flyer he softened his tone then looked up to see Mike and the group of kids. "Let's go." I hugged Tony's waist as he lead me out of the school. My life has been destroyed. Even more then I thought it ever could.

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