Our Best Friend Is Hurting??

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Kairi's P.o.v

I really can't stand to see Mattia this way it really hurts me inside to see him do this to himself, to wanna throw his life away and give up because people are threatening to tell him to do this or do that to himself???

Kairi- I wish Mattia was all right, I wish I could've been there when he was going through all of it?? He then starts crying feeling bad because he wasn't there to help his friend when it was happening.....

Alejandro- Hey, everything is going to be fine I promise you and we will help him get the help he needs and it's not your fault.... you didn't know that he was going through all that??? And Ale held Kairi in his arms while he cried to the point where he couldn't feel anything left in him!!!

Alejandro's P.o.v

When I saw Kairi crying, I just let him cry into my shoulder cause I didn't know what to do but I told him that we are gonna get Mattia help for him to get better and to not feel this way no more but after awhile I started crying because I couldn't let Kairi lose all hope for Mattia and I didn't want to see Mattia this way at all it just hurt me really bad to see him like that???

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